'Homosexual "marriage" is certainly "change," but it’s clearly not the kind of change that most Americans want.'
by Jennifer Mesko, CitizenLink: As a candidate for the Illinois Senate in 1996, Barack Obama said he favored "legalizing same-sex marriages." He quickly dropped his support for gay "marriage" in favor of civil unions, but he hasn't dropped his enduring support for the gay and "transgender" agenda.
In the fall, he told the Washington Blade what gay activists could expect under an Obama presidency. "I will continue to do what I’ve done throughout my career and in this campaign," he said, "speak out on behalf of the cause for … for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and 'transgendered') Americans." In April 2008, Obama told a gay-activist magazine: "I for a very long time have been interested in repeal of DOMA" (the Defense of Marriage Act, which is the only thing preventing same-sex "marriage" from spreading across the U.S.).
Obama stood against all three marriage-protection amendments in the November elections (California, Arizona and Florida), saying: "I support extending fully equal rights and benefits to same-sex couples under both state and federal law. That is why I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution, and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of other states.” Gary Bauer, president of American Values responded: "Did you catch that? According to Senator Obama, if you try to make sure that marriage remains the union of one man and one woman in your home state, YOU are being 'divisive and discriminatory.' "
Obama has pledged support for special rights for homosexual employees, as well as the creation of a new class of crimes based on the victim's real or perceived gender identity. He wants to allow same-sex couples to adopt, guaranteeing those children will grow up without either a mom or a dad. More of his radical agenda is spelled out at WhiteHouse.gov.
Although Obama has pledged allegiance to the gay and "transgender" agenda, he refuses to support those who are dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions. His Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will not provide funding to faith-based organizations if they are working to help people overcome unwanted homosexuality.
"When it comes to moral issues, it is clear that Obama is entirely committed to the radical left-wing ideology at the expense of the common-sense traditional values that have served our nation so well for so long," Bauer said. "Openly embracing homosexual 'marriage' is certainly 'change,' but it’s clearly not the kind of change that most Americans want."
Tags: Barack Obama, CitizenLink, DOMA, gay agenda, LGBT To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Obama's Enduring Support for the Gay Agenda
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