Breaking News
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Info Post
President Barrack Obama asserted yesterday in his inauguration speech that it is no longer whether government is too big or too small, but whether government "works." Most readers know that those who created our Federal system of government wanted it limited in scope because the knew that "Big Government" creates problems, limits individual freedom and eventually become tyrannical in its actions towards its people. Jesse Benton, Senior Vice President, Campaign for Liberty visited Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) yesterday to get his response on emails concerning Obamas's inauguration speech. A few of Dr. Paul's comments from the following video:
President Obama is not calling for less government but for government that "works" no matter what the cost. He in fact is calling for a "lot more government." Conservatives know and want "individual liberty with the full belief and confidence that freedom does work, that markets work and that big government is the problem." At issue is "can the government create prosperity, can it regulate the market place, can it be a central economic planner, can it be empire builder, and can it police the world. ... What is coming is a strong ideological belief that government can run things." "If it isn't socialism, it is fascistic and it is inflationary and its control and it is loss of liberty, so we should not be feeling reassured by any words that we heard in the inaugural address."
You may need to turn up the volume.

Tags: Barack Obama, big government, Ron Paul, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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