This is the Tussing Elementary 3rd grade class singing a sincere thank you to our brave and strong soldiers, men and women, past and current...
Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military - Memorial Day 2010
ARRA News Service: Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military Please set it aside in reverence for all those who have served wit...
Arizona - Mission Accomplished - Boycott Perspective
by Michael Ramirez: by John Trever: Tags: Arizona, boycott, illegal aliens, Michael Ramirez, John Trever, cartoon, To share or post to you...
Herman Cain - Three Things We Need to Do
Note: Those in or near Arkansas: Herman Cain will be speaking in Little Rock at the Arkansas Defending the American Dream Summit on June ...
When Government Gets Too Large
Ah, the efficiency of the feds! Enjoy funny clip about different members of our national security going after a "Terrorist" [video...
Sen. Lamar Alexander Discusses BP Oil Spill, Politics, Economy, Bipartisanship
Sen. Alexander asks: “ What was the president’s cleanup plan, and where were the personnel and equipment to implement it ?” On C-SPAN’s “...
Hillary Clinton - Just how much is someone's fair share?
By Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA : Even though Barack Obama and his administration have been doing their thing for about a year and a half, the thing...
FCC Chairman Genachowski Is Porker of the Month
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski Porker of the Month...
Obamacare’s Cooked Books and the “Doc Fix”
James Capretta, The Heritage Foundation : The Obama administration continues to insist (see this post from White House budget director Pet...
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 28, 2010 - Democrats Focus on Everything But the Important Issues
The Senate reconvened today. Yesterday, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 16-12 to change the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy i...
Retired Admiral Verses Chicago Political Operative - Who is Telling the Truth?
Breaking News - 5/28/2010: Greg Sargent, The Washington Post just released that "Senior White House advisers asked former President B...
Arkansas Rep. John Boozman Supports "America Speaking Out"
by Rep. John Boozman (AR-3)* : The agenda of Arkansans doesn’t match the agenda being forced through Congress. The message 'we can spe...
Gov. Haley Barbour Will be in Arkansas to Endorse Jim Keet for Governor
Mississippi Governor and Republican Governor’s Association Chairman Haley Barbour is coming to Arkansas to endorse Jim Keet. Barbour will be...
Letter To Sebelius Demanding Answers On Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare Propaganda
SENATE GOP LETTER TO SEBELIUS ON HEALTH MAILER “The Representations Made In This Brochure Are Objectively Inaccurate And Incomplete. They ...
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 27, 2010 - Senate Republicans Demand Answers On Obamacare Propaganda
Update: In a phone call today withSen Tom Coburn he identified that his amendment to cut spending to pay for the 2010 supplemental appropri...
ObamaCare Creates Conditions That Could “Devastate” Small Businesses And “Their Ability To Create Jobs”
Gingrich: U.S. Government Is Next Bubble to Pop
by Forrest Jones, : The Greek financial crisis has done more than just grab headlines in the financial world; it's repeate...
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 26, 2010 - Dems Want To Add Another $130 Billion To $13 Trillion Debt
$13,000,000,000,000 America’s National Debt Hits Record High As Private Income Shrinks And Government Benefits Balloon “The U.S. National ...
Quit Reading Off My Teleprompter
by William Warren : Tags: William Warren, political cartoon, Barack Obama, TOTUS, teleprompter, Mexico's president To share or post to...
ObamaCare Fact Check: CMS Mailer vs. CMS Actuary
Obama Administration’s Taxpayer Funded Medicare Mailer Is Disputed By Their Own Actuary CMS Mailer Says New Law “Will Keep Medicare Strong...
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 25, 2010 - House GOP Launch America Speaking Out Initiative While Obama Administration Continues Propaganda Agenda at Taxpayers Expense
Senate resumed consideration of the fiscal year 2010 supplemental appropriations bill, H.R. 4899. President Obama is scheduled to speak wit...