Mississippi Governor and Republican Governor’s Association Chairman Haley Barbour is coming to Arkansas to endorse Jim Keet. Barbour will be the featured guest at Jim Keet for Arkansas Governor June 14th kick-off fund raising event in Little Rock.
Governor Barbour has successfully faced and led Mississippi through several major disasters. Knowing how to mobilize businesses, Barbour was supportive of Keet business experience saying , “As a successful businessman who knows how to create jobs and meet a bottom line, Jim Keet makes a very attractive and qualified candidate for governor of Arkansas. His problem solving skills and common sense policies will appeal to voters looking for leadership in difficult economic times.”
Keet said he was honored to have Governor Barbour’s support for his campaign. “Governor Barbour is a respected leader in Mississippi and across our Country. His visit demonstrates his confidence in my candidacy and ability to win the race for governor.”
Recent polls including the May 25th Rasmussen Poll have show that Keet’s numbers are improving while Governor Beebe is losing ground. While the incumbent Governor has a significant lead due to name recognition he has significant baggage. First, Beebe is a big on taxation and spending. Beebe had oversight of a $1 Billion surplus left by former Gov. Mike Huckabee. Did Beebe advocate returning the excess collected taxes to the Arkansans who were taxed too much? No, he spent a significant portion on programs which in expanded government or created a future burden on the taxpayers. Of course, he included all the members of the legislature so that legislators could earmark funds to projects they supported. In addition to spending and taxes, Beebe has endorsed and or supported of President Obama, Senator Blanche Lincoln and the liberal agenda of the Washington elites. Even though a majority of Arkansans oppose Obamacare, Gov. Beebe would not stand with the Arkansans and join with other states in opposing the nationalizing of health care and federally mandated increased costs both on the the State of Arkansas and on its citizens.
Jim Keet has rightly stated his message, "My message of job creation, reducing government regulation and intrusion into our lives, and eliminating wasteful government spending is resonating with the voters across the state.” People who oppose the programs of Obama, Reid and Pelosi, should associate their personal vote and the funding of candidates like Jim Keet.
If you would like to attend or for more information on the upcoming June 14th event, contact the Jim Keet for Governor Campaign Headquarters at 501.224.5338. All others no matter what state you live in, please visit the Jim Keet for Governor website and start your own private TEA Party protest by sending $5, $10, $25 or more to his campaign.
Dr. Bill Smith, Editor: I am not associated with the Jim Keet Campaign. However, I endorses Jim Keet for Arkansas Governor. It is time for constructive change and for the elitists, including Mike Beebe to be benched.
Tags: Jim Keet, Haley Barbour, Mississippi, Arkansas, endorsement, fundraiser, Mike Beebe, Governor, campaign, 2010 election To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Gov. Haley Barbour Will be in Arkansas to Endorse Jim Keet for Governor
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