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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Info Post
Rep. Mike Ross from Arkansas' 4th Congressional District is a key leader of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of fiscally conservative Democratic House members that advocates the principles of fiscal responsibility and government accountability." - Rep. Mike Ross's official website (Source)

However, he and other "blue dogs" have become the "lap dogs" of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and there voting record proves it. Below are the Myths and the Real Voting Record of Mike Ross.

While the state of Arkansas is shifting right and may this year elect more conservative republicans than elected in Arkansas history, Rep. Mike Ross with a failing fiscal conservative score is still holding the lead in polling the 4th Congressional District over a conservative Beth Ann Rankin. This is it strange because Mike Ross has a voting record in Washington, D.C. that is diametrically different than the positions of the majority of Arkansans. Mike who is anything but a fiscal conservative has learned the power of "the purse" and has often brought home more money (earmarks, bacon, etc.) to his district than the other representatives. Somehow Ross' liberal antics in Washington, D.C. have been overlooked by this predominately rural congressional district. His continuous voting for Nancy Speaker as Speaker of the House seems to be overlooked. Mike has only been allowed by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to vote differently than his fellow democrats on a couple issues because Pelosi had enough votes without them and agreed to provide Ross political cover.

The following myths about Mike Ross and Mike's votes were compiled by the Club for Growth.
  • "I firmly believe we can no longer avoid addressing the nation's fiscal challenges because we are passing this immense burden on to our children and grandchildren and it is a threat to our national security." - Rep. Mike Ross's official website (Source)
  • "We must stop the out-of-control spending in Washington and begin reducing our skyrocketing national debt.  If we do not, we will begin to suffer from massive inflation costing our already fragile economy even more jobs. American families have tightened their belts in these tough times and it is time that the federal government takes the same responsible approach to budgeting.  We have to change the way Washington operates and begin working together to develop solutions to our problems." - Rep. Mike Ross's official website (Source)
  • "As a member of the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition, I have helped develop a comprehensive plan aimed at cutting spending and balancing the budget." - Ross's official website (Source)
The Truth: X=Fiscally Irresponsible
Source:Club for Growth
Votes with Pelosi on economic issues X 82%
Votes to keep PAYGO rules X 12%
RePORK Card Score X 0%
On Obamacare Voted NO - After Voting Yes To Get It Out of Committee
Repeal ObamaCare's Individual Mandate? Voted YES
On Cap and Trade Voted NO
On Stimulus X Voted YES
On Repealing TARP X Voted NO
On Obama Budget X Voted YES
On Cash for Clunkers X Voted YES
On Auto Bailout X Voted YES
On Fannie/Freddie Bailout X Voted YES

The Bottom Line: Can Mike Ross again convince his constituents that his "fake" opposition to ObamaCare and Cap and Trade is proof enough that he's a fiscal conservative? It's hard to look past the high unemployemnt, bailouts, the earmarks, and the big spending bills. Ask Rep Mike Ross why he supports Nancy Pelosi and votes like a liberal progressive in Washington, D.C.

Tags: Mike Ross, Arkansas, AR-04, blue dog coalition, myths, voting record, lab dog, liberal voting, Club for Growth To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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