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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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Bill Smith, Editor: While the Congress is in recess except for pro forma sessions to prevent President Obama from making recess appointments, their record is haunting them as they return home. Democrats up for re-election are especially haunted by their votes for Obamacare and reckless spending.  Note, being  haunted has nothing to do with the news these days of witchcraft, but it has everything to do with their "dumb ass" (pun intended) decisions which is wrecking the greatest free economy in the world. While some Republicans have in the past danced the line with the progressive elitists on their agenda, they have been are also being called to accountability.  The Republicans have been clearly reminded of the Party's conservative principles by the voices of the majority of Americans who are conservatives. For some Senators, it will take another two elections for them to face the voters over their votes.

Unfortunately, some liberal representatives and senators will be returned to Congress because the citizens whom they represent have already been drawn to receiving money provided through a myriad of government programs. This money is not really the "government's money" but is "other people's money" which has been taken or confiscated via taxation and fees or is being money borrowed from foreign countries like China and Saudi Arabia.  And these confiscated or borrowed funds are in excess of the basic needs of government as established by the Constitution.

The constituents of these elected liberals have become like the former Roman mob. They are knowingly willing to sacrifice the individual freedoms and the economic future of generations, just as many of them have already done by sacrificed their children be it physically or mentally. For the mob, American exceptionalism is not one's ability to live free and independent but instead their envy and covetousness and the ability to take from others.

By casting off foundational principles and even common law as a basis for laws and rules based in Judeo-Christian principles like ten commandments, America is now faced with assaults on numerous levels. It is very evident that how a government handles and or mishandles "other people's money," is a major indicator of the pending rise or decline of that government. As Benjamin Franklin responded when asked which form of government have you given us, "A republic, if you can keep it." While Patriotic Americans still say the "Pledge of Allegiance with the words "Republic of the United States of America," the progressive elites and their mob followers are leaving the following pledge and the future of America lying on the floor of history to be trampled on:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
John Adams MMIV provides today's insights into Congress' actions and the fallout for Democrats due to their votes for ObamaCare and Reckless Spending:

ObamaCare: After Democrats rammed through their unpopular health care takeover through Congress over the objections of a majority of Americans in March, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) predicted, “By November, those who voted for health care will find it an asset, those who voted against it will find it a liability. . . . As people learn what’s actually in the bill, six months from now at election time this will be a plus because the parade of horribles — particularly the worry that the average middle-class has that this will affect them negatively — will have vanished and they’ll see that this will affect them positively.”

With the election less than a month away, though, Americans still don’t like Democrats’ monstrosity of a health care bill and Democrat candidates all across the country are having their eyes opened. The Hill reports today, “Healthcare reform is hurting the reelection chances of freshman Democrats in the House, according to The Hill/ANGA poll. A majority of voters in key battleground districts favor repeal of the legislative overhaul Congress passed this year. President Obama predicted in the spring that the new law would become popular as people learned more about it. But the poll shows Republicans strongly oppose it, independents are wary of it and a surprising number of Democrats also want it overturned.” In fact, 56% of those surveyed favored repeal of the health care law, and nearly 1-in-4 Democrats (23%) agreed. Democrat pollster Mark Penn notes, “Undecided voters wanted the healthcare law repealed by 49% to 27%.”

And Politico reports that ostensibly pro-life Democrats who voted for a health care bill with inadequate protections against government funding of abortions are finding that their vote is “haunt[ing]” them. “[Pennsylvania Rep. Kathy] Dahlkemper and other anti-abortion Democrats are at risk of becoming an endangered species in the House. She and others eventually signed on to the health reform law, endorsing an executive order that barred federal funding of abortions. But SBA List and other anti-abortion groups opposed the executive order, contending it was too weak. Now, SBA List is engaged in a multimillion-dollar attack on its former allies, replete with bus tours and billboards alleging that members ‘voted for taxpayer-funded abortion.’”

In a CNN piece analyzing how Democrats got to this point, Gloria Borger writes, “‘Health care seemed like a totally inside-the-beltway deal,’ says a Democratic pollster. ‘That went against [President Obama’s] own brand.’ And that's a dangerous thing for any leader, especially one whose persona was tied to a different way of doing business. After spending nine months debating health care, the Democrats had no choice but to try and pass something. Yet instead of going for a scaled-back version -- as then-Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had counseled -- they went for the whole thing. They won. But if there are any Democrats campaigning on the wonders of reform this cycle, they can all fit in one VW.”

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats for their arrogant approach to health care and many other issues in the Weekly Republican Address Saturday. “Over the past 19 months, we’ve witnessed something truly remarkable in Washington. We’ve seen a governing party basically tune out the American people who elected them and aggressively advance an agenda that most Americans vehemently opposed. In fact, the more Americans spoke out against government takeovers, government-run health care, wasteful spending, and debt, the more Democratic lawmakers seemed to dig in.”

And Democrats are now seeing the results of their stubborn push for a health care takeover that Americans opposed and which has so far resulted in higher health care costs, higher taxes, lost jobs, and cuts to Medicare. And in just the last couple of weeks, there has been a series of stories showing companies are likely to change or drop health care coverage because of the law, while insurers are telling consumers to brace for “whopping rate increases” thanks to the new mandates. This isn’t what Americans had in mind when they said they wanted health care reform. No wonder majorities in swing districts would like to see the Democrats’ law repealed.

Reckless Spending: The Washington Post reported yesterday, “The nation's economic future would be endangered if the government does not rein in budget deficits in the years ahead, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said Monday, and Congress should consider new budgeting rules to try to make that happen. ‘One way or the other, fiscal adjustments sufficient to stabilize the federal budget will certainly occur at some point,’ Bernanke told an audience in Providence, R.I. ‘The only real question is whether these adjustments will take place through a careful and deliberative process . . . or whether the needed fiscal adjustments will be a rapid and painful response to a looming or actual fiscal crisis.’”

According to Reuters, “President Barack Obama on Monday said the United States was facing an ‘untenable fiscal situation’ and would have to get serious about tackling its federal deficit.” The President is right, but it’s been his White House and his party in Congress that have pushed for and enacted deficit spending at historically high levels. Indeed, the Reuters story notes, “The U.S. budget deficit is forecast at a record $1.47 trillion in the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2010.

And it all started barely a month after Obama took the oath of office when he signed the $817 billion stimulus bill. Recall that Democrats sold it as emergency legislation that would hold unemployment around 8% and create 4 million jobs. Unfortunately, today, the unemployment rate is still 9.6% and over 3.3 million jobs have been lost since the stimulus was signed in February 2009. And a new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that “[o]ver two-thirds of Americans believe that President Obama's signature stimulus bill was a waste,” according to The Hill.

But the tide of red ink only rose from there. Just this spring, Democrats passed over $200 billion in new deficit spending on extensions of unemployment benefits and other legislation. Republicans repeatedly insisted that while unemployment benefits should be extended to help those out of work, Democrats must find a way to pay for it. In the end, though, Democrats chose to ignore these warnings and they rammed a bill through anyway, adding another $34 billion to the deficit in July.

The Wall Street Journal editorialized, “Democrats are simply spending much more, sending outlays as a share of GDP above 25% for the first time since World War II. The White House now says outlays will be higher in 2011, at 25.1% of GDP, than at the height of the stimulus in 2009 and 2010. This is an ironic tribute to the degree to which Democrats on Capitol Hill have been increasing spending willy-nilly below the media radar. The 111th Congress is the most spendthrift in a century outside of World Wars I and II.

When President Obama was a senator from Illinois, he once said in a speech, “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.”

What other conclusion can one come to given Democrats’ track record on spending and debt than that it has been “a failure of leadership,” as Obama once said? Even, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell admitted in July, that Republicans underestimated "how committed Democrats are to spending money we don’t have. . . . They just don’t seem to appreciate the fact that by adding to the national debt, they’re increasing the long-term burden on everyone — the unemployed, the employed, and our children and grandchildren who will have to pay for it.”
[Sam Adams MMIV is a pen name for an un-named beltway source.]

Tags: Us Congress, Democrats, Senators, Representatives, Obamacare, reckless spending, United States of America, Republic, Republicans To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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