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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Politics in Washington, D.C. has evolved over the years into the professional political big leagues. While our Senators and Representatives are elected by their home state voters, their pay and benefits are paid by the U.S. Congress according to the schedule of pay and benefits that they vote for themselves. With increased years of service, allegiance shifts from their constituents to their political party leaders.

However, we do elect these members of Congress from our home political teams. If the members of the home teams don't fully support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or local community values, then we can only expect the same when they arrive in Washington, D.C. And, if they are immoral, corrupt, deceitful, lie, cheat or steal, covet their neighbors' property, etc., we can only expect them to become worse after they arrive in Washington, D.C.

In the last 22 months, the elected Democrat progressive elites have shifted government so far left that even their home team Democrats are concerned. Big Government is seeking to control everything. The economy is being destroyed. Former domestic terrorists, anti-constitutionalists czars, thousands of tax cheats, anti "bill of rights" extremists, and big government con artists have been placed in position of authority in the Obama administration.

The voters "do" understand the numbers. They know that the candidate with the most votes should win. They also know that a county is doomed when it has a $13 Trillion debt underwritten by China and other countries. With 10% unemployment and big government strangling its businesses, they know that a country is on the road to loosing as a world power. Those who see confiscation of wealth of others eventually ask themselves when will this stop - will I be next? They understand that when private contracts are broken by the outside force of government, then this same government may seek to break the contracts they have with their clients, neighbors, family, banks, employers, etc.

In 2008, the majority of the voters elected Barack Obama. But this same majority and those who did not vote for Mr. Obama have experienced the heavy hand of Obama's Big Government administration. We have all noted that we are not better off today than we were 20 months ago. We know democrat representatives have voted for bills they didn't even read. We have all been embarrassed to one degree or another by Mr. Obama's bowing and scraping to foreign leaders and potentates. While there is much more that could be listed, the most distressful issue is that in varying degrees, we all feel that our own security and safety are being threatened by those outside of our country and by those in our "big" government.

People are looking again for change but not from the democrats. Even some democrats are supporting Republicans while others are just leaving the Democratic Party. We have noted that President Bill Clinton's former political adviser, Dick Morris, has proudly declared himself to be a Republican. In Arkansas, the electorate is both leaning right and will elect more Republicans than in the previous 136 years of democrat plantation politics.

But there was a seismic shift that occurred in Louisiana on Tuesday, Oct. 26th that was not analyzed or mentioned by the major political pundits. Louisiana's Lt. Governor Scott Angle "changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican because of his dissatisfaction with President Barack Obama and the administration's recent actions on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico." And, Angle is not even running for office. In the below video, you can listen to his declaration.

Indeed the concerns expressed previously have awakened the people of America. TEA Parties, Patriot Groups, and actions by former democrats like Dick Morris and Lt. Gov. Scott Angle indicate that a major restoration is at hand. November is Coming! We need to send conservatives to Washington who will counteract the agenda of the Obama administration. It is also very important that conservatives continually work to reshape their local political home teams which will provide the future leaders of our states and our nation. The progressive elites will not be quitting; neither should the conservatives.

Tags: progressive, elites, conservatives, Louisiana, Lt. Gov, Scott Angle, Dick Morris, democrats, republicans, conservatives, video, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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