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Friday, October 8, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: The following videos were made by Jason Tolbert of the Tolbert Report when Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) spoke with the press at the Clinton Library on October 8, 2010. In the videos, note how Lincoln responds to questions in an arrogant and incomplete fashion. Even before April 15 of 2009, Sen. Lincoln was encouraged to meet with Arkansans at citizen town hall meetings. She refused or at least refused all options that allowed interaction except on her grounds. We might understand her negative demeanor during a campaign especially with her low poll numbers. But, Arkansans will never understand why or accept the fact that their Senator refused to meet with them even 20 months ago. It is so apparent she couldn't stand to meet with those whom she sees as "lesser people" and with those she  upset with her actions and votes even over a year ago.

Lincoln proceeds to slight TEA Party groups which arose in Arkansas to a large measure because of her failure to communicate with and to listen to the citizens of Arkansas. In the videos, she displays both an arrogance and a defensive posture. She either doesn't care, believes she knows better than the people, or she doesn't have any good answers,  She continues to play the elitists game because that is where she must go for future employment when she is booted out of office in Arkansas.

In the following videos, note Lincoln's responses to questions. She displays the attributes of a liberal progressive elitist as defined by conservative radio talk show host Herman Cain. Cain originated the SIN principles for identifying unchangeable unrepentant liberals: (S)- Shifting the subject, (I) - Ignore the facts or even the questions, and (N) - Name Calling.

Consider the following comments by Senator Lincoln from the following Tolbert's Video #1: [Admin comment: Video source removed after former Sen. Lincoln was defeated in her re-election.]

With respect to negative advertising, Sen. Lincoln was asked: "Do you think the TEA Party was part of that?" Lincoln: "I think some of them are and some of them I don't think are. I think many of the TEA Party folks are just interested in greater transparency and accountability in government and I don't disagree with them on that!"

"I was the one that asked for transparency in this health care reform debate. Um, I am the one who voted no on the DOD, um moving - you know that's about uh, uh that is about transparency and accountability - it is about the rule of - um, you know, that transparency and accountability should be the rule not the exception."

Question: You mentioned the ads in the past, but who is stirring up anger against you right now? Lincoln:  "Well I think, you know, were you look at -- people get their information not just from what is going on here not just from our state. I mean if you look at what's going on whether it is here in our state or whether it is the national news, they got cable news, they got blogs and emails, and websites and everything else. It really turns it up. Yea, I think there are plenty of things outside of Arkansas and there are some things here."
Comment: What medical prescription is she on?

Followup Q: What are the entities that you are talking about? "All those I just mentioned."
Followup Q: What is an example of - oh, you mean the news, the national media? "Well yea. There are a lot of independent groups as well."
Followup Q: Such as? "I don't know, there are plenty of them out there."

Comment: Listening to her on the video is bad enough; but actually reading her comments make me wonder - "you know" - how she has remained an Arkansas Senator for so many years. She is right that there are a lot of groups out there trying to stop her.  But she can't name one. Blanche may not be able to name any of those groups, but I could!

"I think there are people in all groups who are just being encouraged to be complacent because, you know, the conversation is all about how terrible everything is?"

Comment: LOL, Lincoln has no idea how un-complacent the people of Arkansas are and on Election day, they will be voting her out of office.

Continuing, now consider the following comments by Senator Lincoln from Tolbert's Video #2: [Admin comment: Video source removed after former Sen. Lincoln was defeated in her re-election.]

"If we don't figure out how we are going to solve these challenges, they are going to over come us."

"I think all the people that want to create all this turmoil and all this upset, this fear and anger are people who aren't really coming up with good answers to the questions ."

"I mean, you know, if you want to consider the TEA Party - as I said before, I think SOME of the Tea Party people do want to just create fear and anger. Um, Some of them don't. I think they are a pretty varied group out there. Um, there are some that I find myself agreeing with on transparency and you know the kind of things that need to be seen. ---- Your looking for specifics, I know you are looking for specifics. But I, uh, there are plenty of them out there and that's maybe one of them."

Comment: Blanche views some of those big bad Arkansas Tea Parties as wanting to "just create fear and anger."

Lincoln claims about John Boozman: ". . . when it comes to veterans issues, you know, at some point you got to follow it all the way through. And if you look at the voting record record he's got, he hasn't supported - um - you know, whether it is the health care, or the benefits, or the body armor; the other things that our veterans and our military have needed."

Comment: Lincoln ran off the track with this one: Rep. John Boozman is a Ranking Member on the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. Boozman was a son, "military brat" of a retired Air Force Master Sergent. He has always been pro military. The Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC endorsed Boozman. Boozman drafted a bill to protect veterans' gun rights. The NRA endorsed Boozman. Why didn't Lincoln ever talk about her votes, her record? - She shifted the subject.

Tags: Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas, arrogance, video, Jason Tolbert, Herman Cain, John Boozman, 2010 election To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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