This afternoon, all 47 Senate Republicans co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the Constitution which would require the government to have ...
State Democrats Give Arkansans the Cold-Shoulder to Protect Party Power
Partisan Pig Trail Gerrymander Shoved through House Republican Party of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas – Today, House Democrats shoved Hou...
McConnell To Dems On Their Tea Party Attacks: Reducing Spending and Debt Isn't 'Extreme'
Today in Washington, D.C. - March 31, 2010: The Senate may resume consideration of S. 493, the bill reauthorizing the Small Business Innova...
The Bribery and Blackmail of the States
Curtis Coleman, Contributing Author: By bribery or blackmail, whether ruled to be unconstitutional, defunded or repealed, Obamacare is com...
American Civic Ignorance
Kerby Anderson, Point of View : Apparently we are a nation that knows very little about politics and history. That is about the only conclu...
Trump Card vs Race Card
A.F.Branco : Trump shows his card - Obama shows his. There can only be one valid "trump card." Tags: A.F. Branco, political carto...
Who’s more responsible: Charlie Sheen or Washington?
Who is more fiscally responsible: Charlie Sheen or Washington? Duh! Charlie the Warlock. Washington spends $30 million, the same as Charlie’...
Obama Sets Goal Of Importing Less Oil And Promotes "Use It Or Lose It" Domestic Oil Drilling Policy
Recommend The Brains In The Obama Administration "Use It or Lose It"! Today in Washington, D.C. - March 30, 2011: Today, Politica...
Sniff Alert: George Soros Assault on U.S. Constitution
George Soros by Aaron Klein (research by Brenda J. Elliott), World Net Daily : At least three White House advisers and officials, including...
Liberal Group Plans Guerrilla War Against Fox News - Sniff Alert: George Soros
Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA By Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA : So much for cooling down the rhetoric. At a time when liberals are blaming the "vitriol...
Will Dems Block EPA And Protect American Jobs?
EPA Focus: Killing Jobs Today in Washington, D.C. - March 29, 2010: The Senate resumes consideration of S. 493, the bill reauthorizing the...
ICYMI: Chinese Professor Explains Fall of America
Citizens Against Government Waste Bill Smith, Editor: On October 22, 2010 , the ARRA News Service joined in support of the efforts Citizens...
Why the Rush?
BeebeCare is ObamaCare Note: Today, Arkansas Democrats voted to allow the federal government to pull the strings on healthcare in Arkansas....
Arkansas House Commentary: March 28, 2011 - Navigating the "Pig Trail"
By Rep. Justin Harris : Christopher Columbus would have found it difficult to navigate a proposed congressional redistricting map that for...
Benko: The Rise And Fall And Rise Again of Supply-Side Economics?
by Ralph Benko, Contributing Author : A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the American dream was going to hell in a handbasket. I s...
EPA, POTUS and White House Agree: America Be Damned
H/T Today in Washington, D.C. - March 28, 2011: Congress reconvenes today. President Obama today (maybe) will attempt to exp...