Missouri US Senator Claire McCaskill (D) plays "old time Democrat politics" and wants to cut defense and continues her "liberal speak."On MSNBC, McCaskill says she opposes House GOP efforts to rein-in spending. While avoiding the specific cuts that the citizens want immediately, she plays politics and proves again she has been both a failure as a US Senator and in representing the people of Missouri.
Last year, McCaskill told reporters today, “I am loyal to Obama.” As Jim Hoft note then, "McCaskill has ALWAYS been a dependable vote for the Obama-Pelosi regime." Now in 2011, when confronted by government big spending McCaskill continue to be the "water girl" for the liberals, the Reid-Obama Regime and the Obama agenda.
Tags: MO, Missouri, MSNBC, Claire McCaskill, Barack Obama, big spender, liberal To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Missouri McCaskill Opposes House GOP Efforts To Rein-In Spending
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