Glenn Gallas, Host of On The Road Radio Show pointed out the following: "According to the letter from Gov. Mike Beebe to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (referenced in yesterday's post): 'We believe that a public-private collaborative planning process will produce an effective new framework for organizing health services in preparation for implementation of the Affordable Care Act.'"
The "Affordable Care Act" is the duplicitous title given to the Federal Heath Care Law - referenced by freedom loving people as "ObamaCare." Maybe Governor Beebe should clue in Joyce Dees, his Special Assistant for Agency and Legislative Affairs. Obviously, the Governor's own words evidence the truth in this conflicting situation. Looks like some misinformation is coming from the Governor's office.
State Senator David Meeks (R-Conway) commented on this story: "Bill, to add to what you wrote, Governor Beebe had no consultations with the state legislature, at least on our side of the aisle, as far as I know. Also, as Glenn noted in the comments, this is in the Governor's letter: 'We believe that a public-private collaborative planning process will produce an effective new framework for organizing health services in preparation for implementation of the Affordable Care Act.' As I have stated before and will stand behind, this is the first step in implementation of Obamacare. They will use this as a model."
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Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe |
Two of those citizen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dondanville, took contact the Governor's Office via the email form on the Arkansas State website. In an interview today, Mr. Dondanville identified that in his email he identified among other issues, two important questions:
- Why was the Governor and his staff trying to go forward to implement Obamacare in Arkansas?
- Where were the poor and retired people going to go for medical services as doctors in Arkansas opt out of taking medicare / medicaid patients?
The response came from Joyce Dees, Special Assistant for Agency and Legislative Affairs. today, in a phone call to Dees, she confirmed that she is Governor's liaison with the Arkansas Department of Human Services and the Arkansas Department of Health. While pleasant, she refused to answer any further questions concerning her email response on behalf of the Governor's office:
To: Bill & Pat Dondanville [Email address withheld]
From: Governor Reply []
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: Reply from the Office of the Governor for Mr and Mrs William Dondanville Mr(ref #:25393)
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dondanville:
Thank you for contacting the Office of Governor Mike Beebe. Because of long-standing policy guidelines, the Governor does not answer mail electronically, but he has seen your message and appreciates your input. He has asked me to reply to your concerns.
You have been the target of a misinformation campaign designed to create uncertainty and fear for political purposes. Governor Beebe’s effort to save the Arkansas Medicaid program from bankruptcy has no relationship whatsoever to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
By next July, the Arkansas Medicaid program will be $60-$80 million short of the money it needs to cover every eligible Arkansan. By July of 2013, the program will be $250 million short. This is a fact, and it will happen regardless of whether the federal act is implemented or overturned by the Supreme Court.
The failure of Arkansas’s Medicaid program will mean that nearly one million Arkansans will be without health care. That would cripple our economy.
Here’s the truth about what Governor Beebe has done:
He wrote a letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary for Health and Human Services, asking her to give Arkansas additional flexibility in the rules that govern Medicaid so that we can try to save the Arkansas system from bankruptcy. The Governor has been speaking publicly for nearly three years about our need to change the way we pay for healthcare in order to cut costs and make the system more efficient.
Despite what you may have read in an e-mail, heard on the radio or been told over the telephone, the Governor’s letter has nothing to do with so-called “Obamacare.” It’s also not a secret. The Governor’s office released the letter to the news media yesterday in order to let the people of Arkansas know what he was seeking. In addition, state officials have been meeting with doctors, dentists, hospitals and other health care providers to seek their input on the possibilities of making these changes. The effort to convince you otherwise is being paid for by out-of-state interests who are attempting to spread confusion and fear.
Governor Beebe believes that the Medicaid system in Arkansas can become more efficient, provide better care and save taxpayer money if we act now to fix it. That’s the truth.
Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future.
Joyce Dees
Special Assistant for Agency and Legislative Affairs
When asked "Do you believe your concerns were answered?", Mr. Dondanville said that the email response "didn't really answer our concerns" and "the response just told the story they wanted to get out."
Also, Joyce Dees statement that she could not answer my questions makes her email statement "Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future" disingenuous. If you wish to reach Joyce Dees at the Governor's office, try or (501) 683-6428. Since we have no further comments by Governor Beebe or his liaison, let's summarize the response:
- There is no move to implement ObamaCare by the Governor. [Concerned citizens are] "target of a misinformation campaign designed to create uncertainty and fear for political purposes." Odd, to date, there has been no comments by the Arkansas Republican Party and the Governor is safely in office until 2014 when he is term limited and cannot run again.
- "Governor Beebe’s effort to save the Arkansas Medicaid program from bankruptcy has no relationship whatsoever to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." Really, then why did Gov. Beebe meet with the ObamaCare Queen: Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary for Health and Human Services?
- "By next July, the Arkansas Medicaid program will be $60-$80 million short of the money it needs to cover every eligible Arkansan. By July of 2013, the program will be $250 million short. This is a fact, and it will happen regardless of whether the federal act is implemented or overturned by the Supreme Court." Facts noted. Why is Arkansas not cutting state spending and covering the obligations of medicare? Why is the state not demanding the Federal government pay their cost share to the state: Oh, maybe the Feds are really broke?
- "The failure of Arkansas’s Medicaid program will mean that nearly one million Arkansans will be without health care. That would cripple our economy?" Why are we funding family and individuals whom could afford to pay their own medical costs? Are we funding "illegals"? What has been done to seriously review "medicaid" recipients in Arkansas? Maybe we should divert Lottery receipts which are mostly paid by the poor back to "medicaid programs. Other options? If the people on "medicaid" are low income or no employed income and thus low spenders, how would the economy of Arkansas be crippled?
- "Here’s the truth about what Governor Beebe has done: He wrote a letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary for Health and Human Services, asking her to give Arkansas additional flexibility in the rules that govern Medicaid so that we can try to save the Arkansas system from bankruptcy." Did Gov. Beebe also meet with Kathleen Sebelius? What other agreements were made?
- "The Governor has been speaking publicly for nearly three years about our need to change the way we pay for healthcare in order to cut costs and make the system more efficient." A "Google search" does not reveal evidence of this effort exists to any degree or that the effort was not made public. Assuming the statement were correct, what actions has the Governor taken to "change 'the way' we pay for healthcare? Efficiency of operations is the Governor's responsibility. Why was he promoting the growth of things like new Trama Center through natural gas well fees verses funding the State's cost of medicare / medicaid with these funds?
- "Governor Beebe believes that the Medicaid system in Arkansas can become more efficient, provide better care and save taxpayer money if we act now to fix it. That’s the truth." Well, it is about time the Chief Executive officer accomplishes something. But what does this have to do with Secretary for Health and Human Services?
The people of Arkansas reelected Mike Beebe. He cannot be re-elected as Governor.Why then do his comments, decisions, or actions by his administration often side with the Obama Administration verses with the people and the welfare of Arkansas? Why has he met with the Queen of Obamacare? Where are all the sources on on the conversations with the people of Arkansas on ways to reduce and control medicaid costs? Regardless of whether the email response from the Governor's office is correct or not correct, it evidences the significant need for Governor Beebe to stop playing politics and to hold open public conversations with ALL Arkansans on the issues and not just a few token comments to the biased media or negative defensive comments in email responses to the people of Arkansas.
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