by A.F. Branco : Cartoon Commentary on the liberal media reaction to the Sarah Palin, and family, bus tour of patriot historical places. Ta...
Majority Favor State Laws That Would Shut Down Repeat Offenders Who Hire Illegal Immigrants
Rasmussen Reports: - 61% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a law in their state that would shut down companies that knowingly and repeatedly h...
People's House Rejects Raising Debt Ceiling Without Real Spending Cuts
by Gary Varvel Even though the Obama White House has pushed for raising the debt ceiling, today, the House overwhelmingly voted 318 to 97 ag...
We Can Never Say Thank You Enough
by Willim Warren : Tags: Memorial Day, Political Cartoons, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". P...
Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military - Memorial Day 2011
ARRA News Service: Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military Please set it aside in reverence for all those who have served wit...
Obama Drives World Leaders to AAA meeting
eGopNews : American Allies Anonymous ( Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir ) Tags: eGOPNews, AAA, American Allies Anonymous, cartoon, Chris M...
Patriot Graves
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Monday marks Memorial Day, a national observance first known as Decoration Day. The first Memorial Day wa...
Barack Obama: A Nixon, Not A Carter
Image via by Ralph Benko, Contributing Author : President Barack Obama’s critics who liken him to the feckless Jimmy Carter hav...
Memorial Day Weekend - Beer & Bar Stool Economics
Ozark Guru: It is Saturday, the beginning of Memorial Day weekend. I would have liked to have fired up the grill and had a few brats ( Bra...
Busting Gas Price Myths
Heritage Foundation : As Americans across the country gas up their cars for their Memorial Day getaways this year, their wallets will take a...
A Day of Honor - Memorial Day 2011
Corporal Loren Miles Buffalo , 75th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, US Army, (Air Assault), Fort Campbe...
Preparing for Memorial Day 2011
As we look forward to Monday, Memorial Day, it is easy to get caught up in the commercial sales and public events of the long weekend. The ...
AutoPen This: Do Democrats Want An End To American Prosperity?
Obama's AutoPen Signature Reuter's "Front Row Washington" Today in Washington, D.C. - May 27, 2011: It is terrible when we...
Turncoat Nation - Firewall Commentary By Bill Whittle
"The President has sought to change the United States' role in the world from defender of the post-Cold War international order to ...
Keeping Politics Out of Federal Contracting Act of 2011
Republican Senators and Representatives Introduced Companion Legislation To Bar The Executive Branch From Inserting Politics Into Federal Co...
Democrats Deny Fiscal Crisis By Voting Down Every Budget & Offering Nothing
Tony Pekins : Sen. Harry Reid"s (D-NV) new mantra: "When the world is crumbling around you, do nothing but blame everyone else. T...
Democrats Under Fire For Inaction - Clinton: "Don't Get Cocky"
Former POTUS Bill Clinton attends Fiscal Summit. Warns Dems Don't get too cocky about NY voters' rejection of Paul Ryan's Medic...
Obama: Theater of Wars Multiplex
A.F. Branco : Tags: A.F. Branco, political cartoon, liberals, Barack Obama, war, Theater of War, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, World War III,...
Dems Answer Fiscal Crisis By Offering No Budget
Update 7:45 PM: Rundown of the votes on various budget plans in the Senate tonight: President Obama’s budget (S. Con. Res. 18): No sena...