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Friday, May 20, 2011

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Former New York Ed Koch: Israel is facing its “most dangerous and critical period,” and warned he may cross party lines in 2012 and vote against Pres. Obama. Koch said, “This is the most dangerous and critical period that Israel has ever faced and regrettably it does not have the support of the president of the United States.”

Oliver North: Obama's Mideast Tack 'Deadly Mistake'

WASHINGTON (AP) - Showing no progress toward peace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat alongside President Barack Obama on Friday and declared that Israel would not withdraw to 1967 borders to help make way for an adjacent Palestinian state.

Local Reader Comments: "Israel Embassy, 3514 International Drive N.W., Washington D.C. Phone # 202-364-5500. I will be writing (snail mail) a letter apologizing to Israel and letting them know that Obama does not represent me. There may be others who would like to do the same".

President Obama assaulted Israel yesterday, demanding the Jewish people forfeit all the land they earned when attacked by armies of Muslim terrorists in the 1967 Six-Day War.

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmit (by email): "I say if we're turning back the calendar, Israel should reclaim the original Bible boundaries God gave Moses and Joshua beginning around 1500 B.C.: all land West of the Jordan river."

Move America Forward (by email): "Yesterday President Obama gave a speech to push his foreign policy goals on multiple fronts with his usual style of highflying rhetoric, but once again undermined one of our key allies. Obama infuriated us when he undercut Israel in one part of the address where he called on Israel to base negotiations with the Palestinians on the 1967 borders.  Why is the Obama vision that only our friends and allies have to do all of the giving?"

An open letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "We stand with your right to secure Israel’s borders without giving away additional land to your openly avowed enemies who do not recognize your right to exist. We recognize that former “land for peace” agreements such as the Gaza withdrawal that ravaged thousands of families from their homes, only served to increase terrorist attacks . . .
Tim Wildmon, American Family Association
Governor Mike Huckabee
James C. Dobson, Ph.D., Family Talk
General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, Kingdom Warriors
Bill McCartney, Chairman, Promise Keepers
Judge Roy Moore, Foundation for Moral Law
Jimmy Draper, President Emeritus, LifeWay Christian Resources
Rev. Rob Schenck, National Clergy Council
Dick & Rich Bott, Bott Radio Network
Jane Hansen–Hoyt, Aglow International
Rabbi Aryeh Spero, Caucus for America
Bishop Earl W. Jackson, STAND AMERICA
Pastor Paul Blair, Reclaiming America for Christ
Rev. Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition
Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries & The OAK Initiative
Mike & Mickey Gottfried, Team Focus
David & Janet Porter, Faith2Action
Aaron Fruh, Knollwood Church
Don Finto/Tod McDowel, Caleb Company
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA)
Dr. Robert Stearns, Eagle’s Wings
Mathew D. Staver, Dean and Professor of Law, Director of Liberty Center for Law and Policy
William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition
Raleigh B. Washington, President, Promise Keepers
Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America
Christie Glesener, Shofar International
Sue Alt, PeaceMakers International
Don Feder, Syndicated Columnist
Bart Peacher, Friends of Israel
Toward Jerusalem, Council II North America
Bill Federer, American Minute
Paul Keith & Wanda Davis, White Dove Ministries
Che Ahn, Harvest International Ministry
Mike & Pat Reed, Revision Ministries
Rey & Annie Dempsey, Kingdom Life Ministries
Hannele Pardain, Christian Friends of Israel-USA
Mark DeVito, Cornerstone Church
Dick Leggatt, Derek Prince Ministries-USA
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, The Pray in Jesus Name Project
Phillip L. Jauregui, Judicial Action Group
Bruce Johnson, Reedy Creek Baptist Church
Dan & Kay Newberry, Destiny Network Alliance
Les Lawrence, Elisha Vision Ministry
Debra Minotti, Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA
David Kubal, Intercessors for America
James Robison, LIFE Outreach International
Phil Burress, Citizens for Community Values
Chuck D. Pierce, Glory of Zion International
Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer, Kansas City

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