By A.F. Branco:
To get rid of the New Gigrich's latent "RINO" virus, he is advised by the Doctor: "Lay off Ryan; drink some TEA; it [his small RINO horn] should fall off in a few days."
Bill Smith, Editor: I recall when Newt was the Speaker of the House. After the initial Contract With America, I was not thereafter much impressed with his actions.
Neither were his Republican colleagues who eventually wanted him out as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Newt was considered dictatorial, self-centered and unfortunately , busy with sexual affairs while in office. After killing the Republican Revolution, instead of continuing to serve GA as their Representative, Newt resigned both as Speaker and as a representative. After leaving the US House, he wrote a lot of historical fiction. Then with what appears to have been the guidance of his present wife and her church, Newt has a complete moral makeover while he becoming a vocal provocateur of new ideas at American Solutions.
Last week he jumped in as a GOP Candidate for president via an announcement on twitter. Then this week he temporarily jumps off the conservative track to attack Paul Ryan. We then learn that he once supported with Nancy Pelosi the individual healthcare mandate. Newt recants by saying he has a slip of the tongue with regard to Ryan.
As with any candidate, the opposition goes digging and the press goes digging and now Political finds that Gingrich had the following large debt at Tiffany. Newt can spend his money any way he wishes, but his past marital affairs, poor leadership, and big spending based on debt open the doors for criticism no matter what "big" ideas he has to offer. And now, his use of "no comment" will not help any with the "rino virus" so aptly illustrated in the above cartoon.
Newt who has spoken at various large events but has not to my knowledge been the major speaker at a TEA Party. If someone knows of one of one, let me know. Also, at several large events where Newt spoke and I was present, I can't recall him ever stopping by to chat one-on-one with the conservative new media bloggers. Yes, people would run him down but unlike other speakers, he didn't hangout with the new media.
If Newt makes it through the presidential campaign process and becomes the nominee running against Barack Obama, I and others will of course support him. But, we would be a whole lot more comfortable if Newt would stop pontificating transformational ideas and remember we do not want the arrogance, attitudes, and actions of the present occupant of the White House to continue with the next president. We don't need a "know it all." We need a trustworthy president grounded in the Constitution who is not afraid to mingle with "the People." We want our freedoms and liberties restored in all aspects of our lives. We want a president that protects our borders from daily invasion and our Country from our enemies. We want the size of government reduced by abolishing departments and agencies. We want respect given and received.
There are lots of expectations which have been created because of the present administration. Unfortunately, Newt is not presently registering well on "The People's Meter."
Politico: “Newt Gingrich, a fiscal conservative? Not when it comes to Tiffany’s. In 2005 and 2006, the former House speaker turned presidential candidate carried as much as $500,000 in debt to the premier jewelry company, according to financial disclosures filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Gingrich, who represented Georgia in Congress for two decades, retired in 1999. But his wife, Callista Gingrich, was employed by the House Agriculture Committee until 2007, according to public records. She listed a “revolving charge account” at Tiffany and Company in the liability section of her personal financial disclosure form for two consecutive years and indicated that it was her spouse’s debt. The liability was reported in the range of $250,001 to $500,000.When asked by POLITICO whether Gingrich has settled this debt, and why he owed between a quarter-million and a half-million dollars to a jeweler, Rick Tyler, Gingrich’s spokesman, declined to comment. ‘No comment,’ he said in an email.”
Tags: candidate, Newt Gingrich, AF Branco, political cartoon, Bill Smith, commentary To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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