Senate Republicans Fought For A Balanced Budget Amendment and Will Continue To Do So On Their Return on Tuesday July 5, 2011
SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Broke or Balanced. That’s the choice before us.” (Sen. McConnell, “Broke Or Balanced – That’s The Choice,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. JON KYL (R-AZ): “Getting the nation out of debt is a long-term proposition, one that requires a firm and steady commitment to responsible spending policies. The Balanced Budget Amendment would require Congress to balance the budget the right way: by cutting spending and implementing policies that promote economic growth and job creation.” (Sen. Kyl, Statement, 6/29/11)
SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN): “I am for cutting spending, capping what Congress can spend each year, and passing a Balanced Budget Amendment because Washington has to stop spending money we don't have.” (Sen. Alexander, “Alexander Statement on Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “With a $14.3 trillion national debt, Washington must make a choice: continue going broke or balance the budget.” (Sen. Thune, Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “… this is, I think, the single most important thing we could do to get our economy back on track and to save generations in the future.” (Sen. Cornyn, Floor Remarks, 6/29/11)
SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): “All 47 republican members of the senate are of one mind on the need for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. We have listened to our constituents who are pleading with us to take action that will permanently resolve our debt crisis and keep us from getting into this situation again. That situation is a disaster.” (Sen. Hatch, Floor Remarks, 6/29/11)
SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT): “This is essential to economic progress in America. This is essential to economic well-being and to individual liberty in America.” (Sen. Lee, Floor Remarks, 6/29/11)
SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): “A balanced budget amendment to the Constitution is the best way to bring this under control, to put us on a sustainable fiscal path, and help encourage the kind of job creation and economic growth that we badly need.” (Sen. Toomey, Press Conference, 6/29/11)
SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): “I can't see an argument really against this. And I really don't understand how a vast majority of the public can be for this and yet this body refuses to act.” (Sen. Paul, Floor Remarks, 6/29/11)
SEN. OLYMPIA SNOWE (R-ME): “This amendment would force the government to do what its citizens already do — live within its means.” (Sen. Snowe, “Snowe Calls For Immediate Consideration Of Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): “The balance budget [amendment] would send that message of certainty and predictability that private investors are looking for to bring back the jobs and get our economy back on track.” (Sen. Portman, Press Conference, 6/29/11)
SEN. THAD COCHRAN (R-MS): “I believe that as a nation, we have reached a point where we must embrace enforceable measures to control government expenditures. The proposed Balanced Budget Amendment provides such a structure… We simply cannot continue on our current path. The immediate and long term debt crisis facing the United States threatens our economic and social well-being.” (Sen. Cochran, Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): “We've got to put in those types of hard spending caps, that type of limit on the federal government, if we're really going to solve this problem.” (Sen. Johnson, Fox News, 6/29/11)
SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN): “The reason that we need a balanced budget amendment, or some type of constitutional amendment to limit spending, is that Congress will fall off the wagon.” (Sen. Corker, Press Conference, 6/29/11)
SEN. JIM DeMINT (R-SC): “We can’t keep taking out new credit cards to pay off the ones we’ve maxed out. It’s time to pass a balanced budget amendment and force Washington to stop spending more than we’re taking in.” (Sen. DeMint, Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL): “I think it’s another example of the republican leadership stepping forward with real proposals that would change the course that we are now on, an unsustainable course, and I am pleased to support the amendment.” (Sen. Sessions, Press Conference, 6/29/11)
SEN. JOHN HOEVEN (R-ND): “Families balance their budget. Businesses have to balance their budget. Cities have to balance their budget. States have to balance their budget. The federal government needs to balance its budget.” (Sen. Hoeven, Floor Remarks, 6/29/11)
SEN. JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR): “If American families ran their household budgets the way Washington runs its budget, the utilities would be shut off and the collection agencies would be knocking on their doors. The American people are now knocking on the doors of the Capitol demanding the government limit its spending.” (Sen. Boozman, Congressional Record, S.4109, 6/27/11)
SEN. JAMES INHOFE (R-OK): “President Obama and the Democrats want to increase taxes. Republicans want to have a balanced budget. That is a clear and simple choice.” (Sen. Inhofe, “Inhofe, Senate Republicans Put Forward Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY) & SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): “Our nation has always risen to our challenges and faced them head on without fear or reservation. Our spending addiction and resulting debt is that next challenge… We have tried for years to hide it, disguise it, and ignore it. We no longer have that option. We can either balance our budget or go broke.” (Sens. Enzi And Barrasso, “Enzi, Barrasso Continue Push For Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): “The federal budget deficit is 15 times bigger today than it was in 1997, the last time there was a vote in Congress over a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It’s time to bring it up again.” (Sen. Grassley, “Balanced Budget Amendment To The Constitution,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): “We do not need tax hikes to pay for Washington’s spending addiction. We need a President and Democrat Senate who will join Senate Republicans in supporting a strong balanced budget amendment that will handcuff out-of-control politicians.” (Sen. Rubio, “As President Pushes For Tax Hikes, Senator Rubio & Senate GOP Call For A Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. DAN COATS (R-IN): “It is time for Washington to stop spending money we do not have and start making the difficult decisions necessary to preserve the future of our country… Passing a balanced budget amendment is a good first step to get our country’s fiscal house in order.” (Sen. Coats, “Coats Calls For Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. MIKE JOHANNS (R-NE): “With each passing day, our looming budget crisis becomes less a problem of tomorrow and more a reality of today… A balanced budget has long been a constitutional requirement for the great state of Nebraska, and the federal government, which currently borrows 43 cents for every dollar it spends, could stand to learn from this example.” (Sen. Johanns, “Johanns Supports Constitutional Amendment To Balance The Federal Budget,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON (R-TX): “Runaway government spending is not only jeopardizing our future, it is threatening economic recovery today…It is time for fiscal accountability in Washington, which means making the difficult decisions necessary for the future of our country.” (Sen. Hutchison, “Sen. Hutchison, Senate Republican Conference Sponsor Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. DEAN HELLER (R-NV): “Families and businesses across the country work within a budget, and it is time the federal government did the same. Our government needs a Balanced Budget Amendment to force Washington to live within its means…” (Sen. Heller, “Heller Voices Support For Balanced Budget Vote,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. DICK LUGAR (R-IN): “Passing a balanced budget amendment would improve our long-term economic security. I am proud to join my fellow Republicans in the Senate in cosponsoring the balanced budget amendment (S.Res.10) and urge Senate leadership to schedule a floor vote in the near future.” (Sen. Lugar, “Lugar Statement On Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. KELLY AYOTTE (R-NH): “A Balanced Budget Amendment will require Washington to tighten its belt like families do. This is the single most important budget reform we can pass to reduce federal spending and put our nation on a path to fiscal sustainability.” (Sen. Ayotte, “Senator Ayotte Bolsters Effort To Pass Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. SAXBY CHAMBLISS (R-GA) & SEN. JOHNNY ISAKSON (R-GA): “With our federal budget in such disarray, the only way we can restore fiscal responsibility and sanity is to prohibit Congress from spending money it doesn’t have. A constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget would force Congress and the President to finally just say ‘no.’” (Sens. Isakson And Chambliss, “Isakson, Chambliss Continue Push For Constitutional Amendment To Balance Federal Budget,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO): “… This Balanced Budget Amendment will ensure that the government is not spending more than we take in and will guard against tax hikes for job creators…” (Sen. Blunt, “As Debt Limit Looms, Senator Blunt Reiterates Calls For Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. MARK KIRK (R-IL): “In addition to immediate spending cuts, the country needs long-term enforcement mechanisms like the BBA to prevent future Congresses and Administrations from again incurring such an overwhelming federal debt.” (Sen. Kirk, Statement, 6/29/11)
SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS): “We must quit spending money that we do not have. I remain committed to reducing spending in ways that make sense, and a Balanced Budget Amendment is an important part.” (Sen. Wicker, “Wicker Calls for Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): “There is zero chance we will ever balance our nation’s budget under the current construct. I’m convinced the only way Congress and the President will annually balance the federal budget is if it’s constitutionally required. Without a Balanced Budget Amendment both parties will only talk about balancing the budget, never actually get it done.” (Sen. Graham, Statement, 6/29/11)
SEN. RICHARD BURR (R-NC): “Congress must change its ways, and it must act now. I am proud to join with my colleagues in taking the necessary steps to control federal spending and reduce our debt.” (Sen. Burr, “Statement on the Balanced Budget Amendment,” Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID) & SEN. JIM RISCH (R-ID): “The time to balance the federal budget by reducing spending is now, and Congress has no leeway left to deal with the issue. That’s the message sent today by 47 members of the U.S. Senate, including Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, who support a new Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” (Sens. Crapo & Risch, Press Release, 6/29/11)
SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): “America's runaway debt, more than $14 trillion and growing, poses a grave threat to our nation's future prosperity. That is why I have cosponsored the Constitutional Balanced Budget Act. I cosponsored a similar measure when I was first elected to the U.S. Senate, and I wish it had passed when I first voted for it in 1997.” (Sen. Collins, Statement, 6/29/11)
SEN. JERRY MORAN (R-KS): “…our message to the American people and to the Administration on the debt limit vote is simple: spending beyond our means is no longer an option. By passing the Balanced Budget Amendment and forcing Congress to be disciplined and live within a budget, we will turn away from record deficits and toward fiscal responsibility.” (Sen. Jerry Moran, Press Release, 6/29/11)
Tags: US Senate, Republicans, Broke or Balanced, Balanced Budget Amendment, 4th of July, 2011 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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