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And In Related U.S. - Middle East News A.F. Branco Shares His Op-Ed Toon |
The Senate may vote this afternoon on amendments to the highway bill. S. 1813. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed (86-2) Margo Brodie as district judge for the Eastern District of New York.
The House yesterday agreed (388-3) to the Senate amendment to H.R. 347 Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. No further conferencing action is now needed and the bill can be sent to the President.
The House is expected today to take up H.R. 665, the Excess Federal Building and Property Disposal Act of 2011. However, as of this post they have taken up and passed (244-171) H. Res. 563 providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2117) to prohibit the Department of Education from overreaching into academic affairs and program eligibility under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965." They then moved to H.R. 2117 and are currently voting on amendments to this proposed bill.
With gas prices spiking again, it’s amazing to watch the lengths to which Democrats will still go to prevent domestic energy production which could help lower prices, promote energy independence, and create jobs.
Yesterday afternoon, ARRA News shared about Sen. Charles Shumer's (D-NY) willingness to outsource more jobs to Saudi Arabia rather than increasing American Energy And American Jobs. We also noted that 79% of the hijackers on 9-11 were Saudi Arabian as was the mastermind behind the attack on America.
We need to increase American Energy And American Jobs!
And yet Democrats have blocked or delayed development of oil and gas production in the United States for years. Recall back in 2008 when gas prices spiked and Republicans were trying to pass a bill to expand responsible offshore drilling. Senate Democrats continually objected, including then-Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO), now Secretary of the Interior in the Obama administration. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell tried to get the bill passed, even asking if Democrats would agree to pass the bill only if gas prices reached $5 a gallon. Still, Salazar objected, calling the energy production the bill would have allowed, “a phantom solution.”
And now, we find Schumer asking Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to increase oil production instead of asking President Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline which would increase oil supplies in the United States and allow the country to get more oil from our friends in Canada. Why aren’t Democrats asking for the shovel-ready American energy jobs the Keystone XL pipeline would create? This almost looks like a set-up!
Hillary Clinton has figuratively bowed more ways to Saudi Arabia than her boss has physically done and she is the fall-guy (or fall-woman) who killed the Keystone XL agreement with Canada on behalf of her boss President Obama verses the needs of America. A definite wuss, Hillary, who wanted to be President and seems to be on the shortlist for Vice President on Obama's 2012 ticket, appears ready to reside over a declining U.S. than a economically viable country producing its own oil.
However, the Canadians may care for the future of the USA more than President Obama or SOS Hillary Clinton. They understand the need for a strong North America. In a must-read editorial today, The Wall Street Journal notes that Transcanada, the company trying to build Keystone XL, has decided it can’t wait on Democrats and the Obama White House any longer and will begin building a portion of the pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas. Amazingly, President Obama, weeks after rejecting Transcanada’s permit to build the full pipeline, is now embracing this partial construction.
The WSJ editors write, “President Obama claims that voters aren't stupid about gas prices, but then they'd have to be to understand his energy policy. Try to parse the latest turn—make that backward triple somersault with two twists—in the Keystone XL pipeline saga. Yesterday TransCanada announced that it plans to break up the $7.6 billion project into several stand-alone parts, beginning immediately with a leg connecting Cushing, Oklahoma with the Gulf Coast. The original plan was to connect U.S. refiners with Alberta's oil sands crude and other Canadian and U.S. energy resources, but to mollify the environmental lobby Mr. Obama's State Department refused to issue the cross-border permits last month.
Now, apparently, it's time to mollify the Administration's union supporters that favored the thousands of jobs that the shovel-ready Keystone would have thrown off—not to mention the many not-so-stupid voters who've noticed Mr. Obama's antijobs politics. The White House immediately put out a statement claiming that ‘The President welcomes today's news’ and even that ‘we support the company's interest in proceeding with this project.’ In other words, Mr. Obama in typical Obama political speak is simultaneously opposing and supporting the Keystone XL. The only problem is that he hasn't had a change of heart on the important part. The new side-project will help alleviate some of the bottlenecks around Cushing, but it doesn't do anything to get oil from Canada to the U.S., which is the main point of the pipeline.”
After watching all this Republican Leader McConnell yesterday expressed his frustration with the President Obama’s record on energy. “Over the past few weeks, the American people have begun to feel the painful effects of President Obama’s energy policy. Make no mistake: the rising price of gasoline isn’t simply the result of forces we can’t control. It is, to a large extent, the result of a vision that this President laid out even before he was elected to office. That vision was on clear display last week. As millions of Americans groaned at the rising cost of a gallon of gasoline, the President took to the microphones to talk about a far-off day when Americans might be able to use algae as a substitute for gas. And then, dusting off the same talking points Democrats have been using for decades, he claimed that there’s no short-term solution to the problem.”
McConnell explained, “This President continues to limit offshore areas to energy production and is granting fewer leases to public land for oil drilling. His administration is imposing regulations that will further drive up the cost of gasoline for the consumer. He wants to raise taxes on oil and gas –– a proposal that the Congressional Research Service tells us will increase the price of gas and send jobs overseas. And he alone rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline — a potentially game-changing domestic energy project that promises not only greater independence from Middle Eastern oil, but tens of thousands of private sector jobs. This President has done all these things — all while claiming that there aren’t any silver bullets. The fact is, this President’s policies are designed and intended to drive up energy prices, reduce domestic oil production, increase our demand on foreign sources of oil, and drive high-paying American jobs overseas. Forget the rhetoric: that’s this President’s record.”
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