In their wisdom, the liberal Democrats who wrote the ObamaCare legislation dramatically expanded the authority of United States Preventive Services Task Force. That might sound like some shadowy outfit from a B movie, but the members of this task force might be better known as ObamaCare's mandate makers.
Dr. Gottlieb writes that it is the job of this task force to "evaluate preventive health services and decide which will be covered by health-insurance plans." The committee will mandate some medical tests and treatments while refusing to cover others.
If the government tells insurers, "You MUST provide services A, B, and C, and, by the way, your profits are now capped," -- and that is exactly what ObamaCare does -- then they will have to cut back on other services. As Dr. Gottlieb explains:
Prior to ObamaCare, your insurance company determined the cost of your premiums based on your health factors and the level of service you wanted. If your rates went up, you had the freedom to find another company. But now, thanks to ObamaCare, your premiums will be decided by Big Government, which is adding more and more mandates, and there will be very little competition in the price as a result of all the mandates that every insurer will be required to cover.
By the way, the task force is not subject to any of the other rules and procedures that govern similar federal agencies. There are no requirements for it to hold public meetings or to consider public comments, there is no process to appeal its decisions and it cannot be sued. How's that for big government?
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
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