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Monday, February 13, 2012

Info Post
Rep. Jim Jordan, Chair, House Republican Study Committee (RSC): Shortly after taking office, President Obama promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his four year-term. Considering how much his stimulus plan and other spending increases ballooned the starting deficit, it seemed an easy promise to keep.

Well, he just broke that promise beyond all recognition. Barack Obama isn’t just the only president ever to oversee a $1 trillion deficit. The budget he proposed today has him running the deficit over $1 trillion for the fourth straight year!

In addition to busting the budget, he accidentally busts one of the Left’s favorite myths – the notion that huge tax increases on wealthy Americans will put an end to deficits. Even with the massive tax hikes liberals have sought for years (and an $850 billion gimmick of “saving” money that was never going to be spent), President Obama’s budget never balances. Never!

In reality, paying for all the spending President Obama demands would mean a huge tax increase on middle class families. That’s a clear recipe for fewer jobs and a more bloated government. It’s why conservatives want to cut, cap, and balance the budget. It’s one of the reasons we must repeal ObamaCare. And it shows the undeniable need for our Jobs Through Growth Act.

This country has a choice to make. We can choose the Obama road to debt, doubt, and decline, or we can choose the conservative path of less spending, more jobs, and better opportunities for everyone.
RSC members recent articles addressing conservative viewpoint:

Tags: RSC, Republican Study Committee, US House, Obama, budget, budgets, myths, articles To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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