Imagine being a graduate of the High School Class of 1943. You would be in the range of 86 to 87 years old. Now read Mr. Mcdowell's letter. It made me smile with an appreciation for these two decades older than myself who are aware of the truth, sho are committed to doing what they can do, and who will, God willing, vote in November.
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Bob McDowell |
It was comforting to hear that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, is one of those. It was widely presumed that she was not happy being in the minority and losing her speakership perks. Just last month a report has circulated containing figures obtained from the Budget and/or Pentagon about the astronomical costs she incurred, at tax expense, for her many trips on Air Force aircraft. The report indicated that she made more than one trip a week from and to the District of Columbia and California as well as some overseas for "inspections".
Also of note are some departures from the Senate; most notable and early announced was that of Barney Frank, D-MA, and Olympia Snow, R-ME (RINO). These and some others will not be missed by those of us who ardently adhere to the provisions contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. There are far too many in public office, as well as Government employment, who consider these stellar documents to be nothing more that an impediment to their quest for more and more power.
There is more hope with the failure of the government employee unions attempt to recall the Governor of Wisconsin. They are upset because he kept the promises made in his 2010 election campaign, surprise, surprise. He ended the policy that union membership was mandatory as a condition of employment and that union dues were withheld from paychecks and remitted directly to the unions involved. It has been reported that over half the employees thus freed have left their union membership. At the same time, but less reported, there were two city elections in California where ballot questions to obtain similar results passed by huge majorities.
While these reported results are encouraging, we must remember that those who would bring about a Socialist / Communist change in government have no intention of backing off in their quest for more and more power. As was stated many years ago, "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom", and it is more true now than ever. It will be necessary for all freedom loving and law abiding citizens to become informed about the candidates and questions and cast their ballots.
More on the "laws of the land." During the week of May 28th, talk show host Rush Limbaugh announced that the Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College had requested that the Declaration of Independence be publicly read at any assembly around the time of Independence Day, July 4. My classmates of Tulsa Central High 1943 meet for lunch quarterly on the first Wednesday of the third months. It was made my duty to type this document in larger type than is used in the small booklets which carry it and the Constitution as the type there is too small to be easily read by us "older folks." Thus, on June 6, it was read aloud. Of the 25 present, only four had ever read it themselves. Most were too old for a standing ovation, but we were all pleased and thankful.
Let there be a new revival of patriotism, law abiding, and decency in our wonderful Nation which was proclaimed by de Tocqueville to be "great because it is good and will cease to be great if it ceases to be good". And as Edmund Burke stated, "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to do - Nothing! See you at the polls!
Tags: Bob McDowell, Oklahoma, letter to editor, Half way through the year, revival of patriotism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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