Obama / Clinton Grovel Before Radical Islam - Obama's done another big ad buy. Not in the swing state of Iowa or Ohio, but he's using your hard-earned tax dollars to run ads in the intolerant, oppressive state of Pakistan!
In the ad, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, our former First Lady, is telling the people of Pakistan, where Jews and Christians live in constant fear, about our commitment to religious tolerance. Clinton says:
Can you imagine Winston Churchill apologizing to the Nazis? FDR apologizing to the Japanese? Ronald Reagan apologizing to the Soviets? This is disgusting! The Obama/Clinton apologies are not diminishing the violence. They are diminishing America.
Folks, this is really important. The more Obama and Clinton apologize for America the more they inflame the Muslim mobs. The goal of the mobs is to make illegal everywhere in the world any speech considered hostile to Islam. So the mob looks at the former First Lady and the president and says, "It's working. They are already bowing to us. Step it up!"
Obama's apologies for America must end! But they will only end if he loses this election.
Hillary's "Worthless" Briefing - The White House is in full damage control mode after its disastrous handling of the Libyan terrorist attacks. Yesterday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was dispatched to Capitol Hill, along with top defense and intelligence officials, to provide a classified briefing to members of key Senate committees. What did they learn? Absolutely nothing.
Several senators were furious that the Obama White House had wasted their time while this crisis continues to roil the Middle East. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said, "I learned nothing in that briefing that I hadn't seen or read in the media. They still are blaming the video and they have a fundamental misunderstanding. It's not the video; it's the Islamists…"
Senator Marco Rubio (F-FL) added, "We heard on Sunday that this was all the result of a YouTube video; now it's clear that's not the case. [The administration is] not accurately assessing what happened in Libya, and that's not helping anyone."
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) held nothing back and opened up with both barrels, saying:
"[The briefing], if anything, built far greater distrust about what's happening than just answering questions. It was pretty unbelievable. In every event, when a serious question was asked, the answer was, 'It's under investigation.' If I were them I would not have come to the Hill..."
During congressional testimony yesterday, Inspector General Michael Horowitz told members of Congress that he was frustrated by a lack of cooperation from the White House, which in at least one case "made it impossible" for his office to pursue a lead he "wanted to follow."
My friends, America deserves better!
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.
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