by Kerby Anderson, Point of View: Some of the elections this year may be very close. We have had close presidential elections in the past as well as close Senate elections. Al Franken was elected in 2008 by a mere 312 votes. And it is worth noting that 1100 felons voted illegally in that election and already 177 of those felons have been convicted of voting illegally. And it is also worth mentioning that Senator Franken cast what many feel was the deciding vote for the Obamacare.
The Pew Center on the States reports that one out of eight voter registrations contain major inaccuracies or are otherwise invalid. In previous commentaries I have reported their conclusions that 1.8 million dead people are still registered and 2.75 million people are registered in more than one state. That provides lots of opportunity for confusion or mischief.
John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky have written a new book, Who’s Counting: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk. Both have been on my radio program. They focus on the widespread problems within our election system. Voter fraud, inaccurate records, and careless ways of vote counting are just a few of the problems. They also remind us that voter fraud is alive and well. Indictments and judgments against perpetrators in multiple states demonstrate that voter fraud isn’t just an insignificant problem. Legislators have passed laws requiring voter ID. But as I discussed yesterday, federal judges have struck down some of those laws.
The first step is getting accurate voter rolls. One election watchdog claims that 160 counties in this country have more registered voters than are actually eligible to vote. One county in Illinois has 520 percent voter registration. Another in Mississippi has more than 230 percent voter registration.
Americans should demand voter integrity. In November, we shouldn’t have to worry if another person who was ineligible to vote will cancel our vote. I’m Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.
Kirby Anderson is an author, lecturer, visiting professor and radio host and contributor on nationally syndicated "Point of View" and the "Probe" radio programs.
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