Breaking News
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Info Post
Thomas A. Schatz, President, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste:  I encourage you to watch CCAGW’s new video about how Congress is trying to raise the price you pay for milk and all dairy products, and then tell Congress to stop messing with YOUR milk money!
Congress is in the midst of considering a new Farm Bill. [Currently, it appears the bill will be delayed until after the election during the Lame Duck session when Congress does not fear the voters as greatly as they do now.] Lurking in this legislation is a scheme called the Dairy Market Stabilization Program (DMSP). Supporters of DMSP call it “reform,” but in fact it continues the failed command-and-control policies for milk that have existed for decades.

DMSP will limit the supply of milk by penalizing farmers for exceeding government milk production “quotas.” The limits on supply will cause prices to rise, and as a result, we will all pay more at the grocery counter for milk and dairy products, like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

DMSP will also impose a new layer of costly regulations on American companies that manufacture dairy products that will keep them from hiring new workers and expanding their operations.

What’s more, the higher dairy prices will hit those Americans who can least afford them the hardest and boost costs for taxpayer-subsidized federal nutrition assistance programs – at a time when Congress should be slashing spending in the face of record budget deficits and debt!

Please take the time today to visit and tell your U.S. Representative and Senators to oppose this new regulatory scheme for milk that will artificially inflate costs for consumers and taxpayers.

Tags: Congress, milk, Farm Bill, milk money, higher prices, video, Thomas A. Schatz, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, CCAGW To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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