Breaking News
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Info Post
Update to Story: Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor gives Norman Hsu donation to charity
by John Anderson, The Citizen's Journal: Looks like Hillary Clinton isn't the only Arkansan (and I use that term loosely) to have taken political contributions from the Paw family and Norman Hsu. The Paw Family as reported by the L.A. Times, living on a meager $50,000 dollar a year income supposedly gave an extraordinarily large amount of money to democratic candidates, to the tune of over $200,000. . . . Records available on Open Secrets show that Democratic Senator Mark Pryor has received contributions from the Paw family and from Norman Hsu as well totaling $7,500. Hillary recently stated that she was going to give the contributions she received from Hsu to charity, . . . Shouldn't Mark do this as well? I called Marks office to ask him about it but it was closed for the day so I left a message. You can find his contact information here. . . . [Read More]

Tags: Arkansas, campaign funds, fund raiser, Mark Pryor, Norman Hsu


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