Breaking News
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Info Post
by Hilary White: Dr. Alveda King, the niece of legendary human rights campaigner Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., told a meeting of Priests for Life that the killing of a quarter of the black population of the US has not been from the lynch mobs of her childhood days, but from abortionists, "who plant their killing centres in minority neighbourhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope."

"The great irony," she said, "is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of" . . . Dr. King pointed out that the killing of the unborn in the US, which has taken the lives of well over 42 million American children, is overwhelmingly concentrated in the African-American community. “In the last forty-plus years,” Dr. King said, “15 million black people have been denied their most basic civil right, the right to life. Roughly one quarter of the black population is now missing.” . . . “It's time to stop killing the future and keep their dream alive.” . . . [Read More]

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