Breaking News
Monday, August 27, 2007

Info Post
BBC News: Iraq's prime minister has hit back at senior US politicians who have called for him to be removed from office. Nouri Maliki singled out senators Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin. He said the Democratic senators were acting as if Iraq was "their property" and that they should "come to their senses" and "respect democracy." . . . Earlier this month, Senators Clinton and Levin both urged Iraqi politicians to choose someone else to lead Iraq's ruling coalition and seek faster national reconciliation. . . ."I share Senator Levin's hope that the Iraqi parliament will replace Prime Minister Maliki with a less divisive and more unifying figure . . . ," Sen Clinton said . . . on 22 August. But the Iraqi prime minister hit back during a news conference in Baghdad, saying: "Leaders like Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin have not experienced in their political lives the kind of differences we have in Iraq. "When they give their judgment they have no knowledge of what reconciliation means." . . . [Read More]

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