Breaking News
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Info Post
Gun Owners of America: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) made headlines recently when discussing the frustrations that Democrats have had in using their power to push their agenda through the Congress. Earlier this month, Newsday reported that, "Democrats seeking to make good on such promises as... passing stricter gun laws... have found themselves thwarted by Senate rules." Gun owners should say thank you" to Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) who is responsible for this slowdown, as he is the champion who has placed a "hold" on the Veterans Disarmament Act!

This has been very aggravating for Rep. McCarthy. "I thought that since I'd even gotten the NRA's cooperation, this would be a walk in the park," she said in reference to the Veterans Disarmament Act that she introduced in the House. "It has been frustrating." You will remember that it pretty much was a "walk in the park" in the House, as the bill sailed through that chamber without a recorded vote. And that takes us to our unfinished business.

After the bill cleared the House in June, concerned citizens immediately started lobbying your Senators, asking them to oppose the bill. But now that
the bill has stalled in that chamber, it is time to let the House members know that it was reprehensible for gun control to pass the House WITHOUT a recorded vote. Moreover, we need to tell them that if the Senate sends the bill back to the House, we don't want this to happen again.

We realize that most of the rank-and-file congressmen were hoodwinked by the Democratic leadership in June. On the night of June 12, the legislative report (which was sent to every congressman to advise them of the votes they would face the following day) did NOT include the Veterans Disarmament Act on the schedule. But the decision was then made in the early morning hours to ram the bill through before lunch. Most Congressmen never saw it coming. They were fooled once... they need to be on guard the next time and make sure it doesn't happen again.

ACTION: Contact your Representative and ask them to do everything in their power to kill the Veterans Disarmament Act -- or at a minimum, to make sure that the bill gets a recorded vote, should it find its way back to the House. A pre-written message available at the
GOA Legislative Action Center (phone & fax numbers also available).
Tags: GOA, Gun Owners of America, Congress, Veterans Disarmament Bill To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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