Breaking News
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Info Post
An Arkansas chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) is being organized. Membership is open to all U.S. Citizens and legal residents, regardless race or ethnicity, who are registered voters and support the mission and objectives of the RNHA. The Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) was established in July 1972. In 1974, the Republican National Committee (RNC) chartered the RNHA as an Allied Organization. Since that time, RNHA has been the only Hispanic Republican organization granted a charter as an allied organization of the RNC.

One of the organizers, John Eves, said "that in the last presidential election, the Republican Party did not do very well in reaching out to Hispanics in Arkansas." The number of U.S. citizens who are either Hispanic, married to Hispanic or have a relative comprise a significant percentage in America. The three organizers for this event firmly believe that Hispanic values are Republican values and vice versa. Core principles such as family, faith, freedom and future opportunities are concepts that bind us together. Individual responsibility, strong national security, limited government, a free market economy and traditional family values are all basic beliefs of Republicanism that are also core to most Hispanics. It is for this reason that Hispanics will find a home within Republicanism.

Organizational meeting for a RNHA Chapter in Arkansas
Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 5 pm
Western Sizzlin Restaurant
Springdale, Arkansas

Questions and RSVP: Contact one of the following:
John Eves - 479-366-1237
Alex Martinez - 479-544-2769
Duane Neal - 479-903-5690.

If you cannot attend the organizational meeting, you may join by going to the RNHA website. Regular Membership is just $30.00 for two years. When you join you will be an Arkansas RNHA member-at-large until a chapter is chartered in your county.

Tags: Arkansas, hispanic, Republicans, RNC, RNHA, Springdale To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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