Breaking News
Monday, April 13, 2009

Info Post
Cartoon by Lisa Benson - TEA Party vs MSM Kool-AidCartoon by Lisa Benson at Townhall

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret: The gigantic TEA PARTY revolution scheduled for Wednesday, April 15 is just a couple days away. If you haven't located an event to attend check out these two web sites: and/or . Those that can't physically attend can alert newspapers, call friends, send a letter to the editor,etc.......all of us can do something.

If you can't find a TEA PARTY near enough for you to attend at the above references, call you local newspaper, talk shows, and ask them where the local TEA PARTY event is being held. If no success then initiate your own TEA's not too late..........if all else fails, all you need to do is contact some friends, and find a heavy traffic area along the highway or city street, and show up with signs on April 15th.

Critical to our movement which must be first and foremost in our hearts and minds...this is about America, it's not about us as individuals, it's about us as a cohesive, committed, patriotic voice across America demanding a behavior modification by leadership in our nation back to Constitutional government and Republic principles. We won't stop until our goal is satisfied. Leadership in America will have an opportunity to recognize America's demands through our non-violent demonstration of grievances on April15th -- We are not going to be denied our Constitutional voice.
Blog Kudos: Hat tip to Kate at An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings & to TexasFred for the cartoon.

Tags: angry taxpayers, Kool-Aid, Lisa Benson, main street media, political cartoon, tax day, taxes, tea party To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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