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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Info Post
US Term Limits - Senator Jim Demint (R-SC) and 10 Senate GOP cosponsors have introduced a term limits amendment. The Constitutional Amendment would allow members of the House of Representatives to serve a maximum of three terms of two years, and Senators would be limited to two terms of six years each.

Phil Blumel, President of U.S. Term Limits, had this to say about the amendment, “The waves of change that have hit Washington, DC over the past couple of election cycles would be meaningful if those who lead Congress and its committees weren’t standard political insiders with little connection remaining to those who they were elected to serve.  Today, Senator DeMint and 10 Senate Republicans have taken a bold step to change the culture of corruption and entitlement in our nation’s capitol.”

According to a Fox News poll conducted in September of 2010, 78% of Americans support congressional term limits.

“The myth that professional legislators are needed to deal with the complexity of government today is exposed by the $14.3 trillion national debt hole that has been created by the very professional politicians who make this argument. We can no longer afford career politicians who defer tough decisions to commissions and other non-elected bodies. Limiting terms will allow citizen legislators to come to Washington, DC, fix the problems and then go home to resume their lives, instead of becoming encamped in the cloistered world inside the DC Beltway,” Blumel said.

Passage of the Constitutional Amendment requires a two-thirds vote of both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives followed by passage in 37 states. It is anticipated that a companion bill will be introduced in the House of Representatives.

Tags: Congress, Congressional Term Limits, Phil Blumel, Senate Term Limits Legislation, Senator Jim DeMint, Term Limits, U.S. Senate, U.S. Term Limits To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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