Breaking News
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Info Post
A legion of bloggers have reported on the story former FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky broke at Pajamas Media about the Obama administration’s attempt to circumvent Congress and implement portions of the partisan DISCLOSE Act by executive order. Today, Reuters, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal have joined them.

The Washington Post writes, “President Obama is considering an executive order that would force government contractors to disclose their donations to groups that participate in political activities, a move Republicans slammed Wednesday as an attempt to restrict political speech. White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters that the administration has a draft proposal and would not offer details. . . . The provision is similar to one in a bill that Democrats pushed before the midterm elections called the Disclose Act.”

The Wall Street Journal adds, “The White House casts the proposal as an effort to improve transparency and accountability, but Republicans charged that the rules would inject politics into what should be an unbiased procurement process. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday that President Barack Obama ‘intends to pursue’ the executive order, but said details have not yet been settled.”

The WSJ also provides some details of the executive order: “The draft executive order would require that companies seeking federal contracts disclose political contributions made in the prior two years to organizations that seek to influence elections through independent expenditures, which are allowed to remain anonymous under current law. Companies would also have to disclose contributions to federal candidates and political parties, which already are required to disclose contributions. The draft rules would cover a company's officers, directors, affiliates and subsidiaries.”

Prior Posts on the partisan effort to implement the DISCLOSE Act by executive order:
-- Will Obama End-Run Around Congress and the Courts: Executive Orders
-- LEAKED: Obama Executive Order Intends to Implement Portions of DISCLOSE Act

While the White House is under fire for leaked proposed executive order, Obama is traveling on Air Force One raising campaign funds.

Tags: Hans A. von Spakovsky, Obama administration, Executive Order, Disclose Act To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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