New study from New York's Albert Einstein College confirmed that students need to turn off the TV and other media devices and focus on t...
Happy days are here again
Arkansas Times Blog 11/28: What would Huey Long say if he could read about the Mike Beebe inaugural? Every man might be a king, but only th...
Arkansas students: Not ready for college work
The state Education Department yesterday (11/29/06) released results of a survey of Arkansas college professors on the ability of incoming A...
Oh Horrors - Bibles for Students!!
When Pinkston Middle School student Tamsan Mora came home with a pocket-sized Gideon Bible ? King James Version, New Testament only ? in her...
Join Other Citizens and say "Stop The Invasion!"
The Senate just passed it's Hagel-Martinez Amnesty bill (S. 2611) -- what many are calling the "No Illegal Alien Left Behind Act...
Barbarians Have Taken The Hill
The Brady Bunch is already licking their collective lips in anticipation of the new Congress being seated. Visit the Brady Campaign's we...
U.S., North Korea Reach No Agreement on Six-Nation Talks
U.S., North Korean and Chinese officials ended a second day of talks in Beijing today without reaching accord on when to restart six-nation ...
Who Got What Money From Whom - 2006 AR Cong Races
The 2006 Congressional Races are over and all the incumbants Arkansas congressmen returned to the U.S. House of Representatives. The Center ...
Huckabee Gets a 3 on the Gipper Meter
Doug Patton of GOPUSA asks "Is there another Ronald Reagan on the horizon for 2008, a leader who can rally the coalitions that gave Re...
Two Republicans take a stand against profligate spending
Sens. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Jim DeMint (R-SC) have decided to take a stand against overspending by objecting to the nearly 10,000 earmarks, ...
African Churches Silent on Africa's First Same-Sex 'Marriage' Law
Nairobi, Kenya - As homosexuals and lesbians in Africa celebrate the legalization of same-sex "marriage" in South Africa, the hea...
Pedophile Party Blames 'Far Right' for Campaign Collapse
( - A Dutch political party that failed to qualify to participate in the country's general election Wednesday has blamed ha...
'All My Children' to Feature Transgender Character
In a story unusual even for a soap opera and believed to be a television first, ABC's "All My Children" this week will introdu...
Conservatives Challenged To Reassert Themselves
Conservatives should emphatically reject the advice of the sanctimonious former Missouri Senator John Danforth, who urged Republicans "...
A Touching Thanksgiving Tribute
This touching Thanksgiving tribute may Require a tissue!
Thanksgiving Day, 2006, Presidential Proclamation
As Americans gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, we give thanks for the many ways that our Nation and our people h...
The History of Thanksgiving
The first day of thanks in America was celebrated in Virginia at Cape Henry in 1607, but it was the Pilgrims? three-day feast celebrated in...
In Case You Missed It - Bush Recommends New RNC Chair
President George W. Bush: "I have just been meeting with the new team that's going to run the Republican National Committee. I am ...
Lou Dobbs Slams CFR & North American Union
Plans for Integrated North American Community move ahead. Meetings held behind closed doors and not open to the public!
House Republicans Choose Boehner & Blunt
House Republicans picked Rep. John Boehner (R-OH ) to serve as minority leader when Democrats take control of Congress in January. Boehner i...
House Democrates Chose Hoyer & Clyburn
Rep Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) a practical moderate, was elected House majority leader. Hoyer's routed (149 to 86) Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa....
Election Basics
An accurate analysis of election results requires getting down to the basics. Too often the mechanics of winning elections are lost in the m...
Meet the House Speaker - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the newly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, served for years on the executive committee of the soci...
Christians Flee Bethleham
More and more Arab Christians are leaving Bethlehem for fear of being killed by radical Muslims. According to Sami Awad, executive director...
The Principles of a Free Society
Limited Government - The rightful functions of government are to guarantee individual liberty, private property, internal order, the provis...
Post Election Thoughts
Over the past couple week, many right-of-center college students have felt disappointed. The Republican Party many of them supported has now...
Governor Huckabee Defends Gift Registries
Gift registries have been set up to help friends of Arkansas first lady Janet Huckabee choose gifts for the Huckabees' new home as they ...
McConnell & Trent Lott to Lead Senate Republicans
Sen. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, was elected unanimously to be the Senate minority leader in the new Congress. He'll replace Sen. Bi...
MSU Settles Lawsuit with Student for Violation of Rights
Springfield, MO, KLOR 10 TV Emily Brooker with assistance from the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Oct 30th against Missouri State Un...
Pro-Homosexual Democrats To Push Anti-Christian "Hate Crime" Legislation
Nov 14, 2006 - With the Democrats taking control of both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives this January, we can expect the Human...
Bad Night For Parents & Unborn Children
Missouri voters decided to approve a stem cell research bill that will result in the legalized killing of human embryos for their stem cells...
Marriage Protection Amendments Win In 7 Of 8 States
Voters in Idaho, Wisconsin, Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, South Dakota and South Carolina have overwhelmingly approved marriage protection ...
Penalties of Arrogance - Hope in the Future
At least to conservatives, arrogance helped bring the Republicans down. This is a sad reminder of the stark differences in the Republicans w...
Islamic Extremists Seeking WMD, Diplomat says
Al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremists have sought to obtain chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials for use in terrorist at...
New Congress, Old Politics
When you win the presidency, you get control of the entire executive branch. You can run the foreign policy of the most powerful country on ...
Retiring RNC Chief Sees Three Lessons
Retiring RNC Chief, Ken Mehlman, said Republicans must now do three things - first, rededicat themselves to their conservative, reform prin...
Dobson: GOP abandoned us
Dr. James Dobson 9/11/06 Colorado Springs : Laura Ingraham said it best. When Congressional Republicans wait until the First of October to ...
Unrelenting Attack on the Family
Words by Del Tuckett, Focus on the Family Magazine - The ultimate tradgedy of the securization of our culture is that, in turning our back...
Remembering Our Veterans
God has granted us the privledge to live in America with certain inalienable rights. It is the VETERAN (any person who is serving or has ser...
Wal-Mart Contributes 5% Of Online Sales To Homosexual Group
Wal-Mart has agreed to automatically donate 5% of online sales directly to the Washington DC Community Center for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and ...
Bolton Nomination May Be Sunk
Lame-duck U.S. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-RI, said the congressional election confirmed his opposition to U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. Bush nam...
President Bush Sends Bolton Nomination To Senate
Nov. 9, 2006 - President Bush sent the nomination of John Bolton to be U.N. Ambassador to the Senate. Ambassador Bolton has been serving as...
America is Great - After-Thoughts about the Election
This election has caused me to marvel at our Constitution and our way of government. We have just been through a revolution and yet there wa...
Words from RNC Chairman
I am well aware how much each and every one of you dedicated yourselves to this cause, and I know that yesterday's results included many...
Gays Who Want To Censor Free Speech
by Phyllis Schlafly, November 8, 2006 Same-sex marriage is not the only goal of the gay rights movement. It's becoming clear that ano...
Pro-Life - Traditional Values Candidates lose Arkansas State Elections
Democrats candidates supported by a platform that removed the definition of traditional marriage swept the races for State offices. Many of...
Dems take U.S. House, gain in Senate
Democrats took control of the U.S. House of Representatives in midterm elections and won at least four of the six seats needed to seize the ...
Democrat Sweep Elections
Arkansas democrat candidates won all State offices returning Arkansas to the one party representation that existed before the current admini...
Election Today!
Continue to pray for this election. Pray for two very important things, 1) that people vote with a clear mind and that they vote their views...
Question of the Hour - For Whom do you vote!
Tuesday is election day at your pollng place. You can still vote early on Monday at your County Courthouse. For Whom do you vote? Maybe th...
Media, Democrats paint a false picture - Remember 9/11
Letter to Editor, The Baxter Bulletin by Ronnie Young (served in Iraq): I've been in the military 33 years, and in all those years nev...
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Charlie Daniels
Complaint Filed wth the Arkansas Ethics Commission 11/3/06: for full text contaxt the AR Ethics Commission or contact Mary Mann, Campaign Ma...
Why are we paying for Planned Parenthood?
Jay Alan Sekulow is Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice: In just a little over a week, the Supreme Court of the Unit...
Governor Mike Huckabee Statement on Vetoing Nick Wilson 1997 bill
Little Rock - Governor Mike Huckabee issued the following statement today: "I was shocked to read the comments supposedly attributed t...
How Dare You Not Vote!
Doug Patton addresses an issue on many of our minds. His refreshing words address many peoples concerns. Below is an extract: Perhaps you...
Huckabee: Voters should research campaign ad claims
LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- Gov. Mike Huckabee urged voters Wednesday to do their own research into negative ads surrounding this year's gubern...
Kerry Belittles U.S. Troops - Is His Apology Real?
Mark Kilmer posted the following comment on RS REDSTATE about Kerry apology issued today: Did John Kerry apologize for denigrating our troo...