I am well aware how much each and every one of you dedicated yourselves to this cause, and I know that yesterday's results included many disappointments. On behalf of the President and the Party, I thank you.
Our messages of expanding freedom at home and defending freedom abroad persist as the right answers for our nation. Indeed, many of the Democrats who won yesterday embraced our platform and our values. Last night, however, the voters sent a message, and we need to make sure we receive that message loud and clear. We need to recommit ourselves to conservative reform. Our leaders must work to provide bipartisan solutions to the challenges facing our country, and demonstrate the highest standards that our Party expects and the nation deserves.
Our party is built on ideas and values that transcend any one election. The principles of Lincoln and Reagan remain alive and well in the policies of our President, and will persist in the face of a loyal Democratic opposition, as they did throughout the Gipper's two terms. We will recruit a new generation of candidates, continue to improve our party's operations, bring new faces and voices into our party, and reengage in the battle for our countrymen's hearts and minds, stronger than ever.
Your commitment is about more than politics. It is about more than Party. It is about our philosophy, our nation, and our future. So please accept the thanks of a grateful President and a grateful party. It's time to regroup. And then let's get back to work.
Ken MehlmanChairman, Republican National Committee 11/8/06
Words from RNC Chairman
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