Letter to Editor, The Baxter Bulletin by Ronnie Young (served in Iraq):
I've been in the military 33 years, and in all those years never met a liberal who thought of anything but themselves. The whiners, nay-sayers and gripers won't serve, never did serve, and never went to Iraq or Afghanistan and think only of the glory days when the western press misrepresented the tactical situation in Vietnam, called for withdrawal without victory and millions in Southeast Asia died as a result of our leaving before the mission was complete. Sound familiar?
If you listen to the media, you would think the economy is terrible, consumer confidence is at an all time low, and the war on terror is a total failure. Fact: 37 straight months of job gains, Dow Jones over 12,000 for first time in history, gas prices below $2 in many areas, consumer confidence is at its peak for 2006. Most important to a solider like me, who loves his country and family, President Bush is taking the "War on Terror" to the terrorists and allowing volunteers like myself to fight the battles overseas, and we are stopping terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.
We in the military have seen the real Iraq, see the real threat we face, and it is not the picture painted by a biased media and power-hungry Democrats. Remember the long-term consequences of your vote and forget the short-term discomforts. "We who serve" believe in what we are doing and deserve your support by supporting our president and conservative America. Remember 9/11. It could happen again if we forget.
Media, Democrats paint a false picture - Remember 9/11
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