Breaking News
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Info Post
Springfield, MO, KLOR 10 TV Emily Brooker with assistance from the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Oct 30th against Missouri State University, claiming that her First Amendment rights were violated by a class project. The lawsuit claimed Booker's religious rights were violated. A fall 2005 class project, assigned by professor Frank Kauffman, required students to write a letter to the Missouri legislature in support of the rights of homosexuals to adopt. Students were required to sign the letters, which would be forwarded to the General Assembly. Brooker refused to sign the letter. Brooker then was called before the School of Social Work review committee, received a grade of "C" in Kauffman`s class as a result of the incident. She appealed and was eventually granted a grade of "B" in the class.

MSU's president announced the settlement and said Brooker's official student record would be cleared of the Level 3 review. Brooker will be paid $9,000, and MSU will waive academic fees or reimburse Brooker an amount equal to two years of degree work toward a Master of Social Work degree. Brooker will also receive $3,000 per year in living expense for two years of graduate education. MSU also ordered an evaluation of the SMU Social Work program by an external team of reviewers. The instructor, Dr. Kauffman, has stepped down as director of the Master of Social Work program and has been re-assigned non-classroom duties for the remainder of the fall semester.


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