Doug Patton addresses an issue on many of our minds. His refreshing words address many peoples concerns. Below is an extract:
Perhaps you are a hard-core conservative who has simply become fed up with the profligate spending and irresponsible border policies of the current Republican leadership. We're hearing a lot of talk about conservative voters -- especially social conservatives -- staying home this election. Most of it is coming from those in the so-called mainstream media, many of whom want to see their heroes on the Left reinstated to what they think are their rightful places of power. They hope that Mark Foley or some other silly, isolated scandal will keep you from going to the polls.
I don't believe everyone should vote. If you are not motivated to inform yourself on the issues, I don't want you even having a voice in who will represent me. But if you are a disgruntled conservative Republican who knows the issues and understands what is at stake in this election, I have one message for you in this crucial mid-term election: don't you dare fail to vote next month!
From taxes to judges, from social policy to national security issues, it matters who is in charge, and Democrats cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Don't get me wrong; many Republicans can't be trusted either, having let us down in several key areas. But at least the GOP grassroots still holds fast to a solid conservative platform, and the constituencies to which the party leaders must appeal have a chance to keep them in check when they are struck with their annual case of Potomac Fever. Democrats, on the other hand, are unapproachable on the issues about which we care so deeply. In fact, many of their policies are so radical that they could get us all killed. Or Read the Full Article
How Dare You Not Vote!
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