Arkansas Democrat Gazette, NW Edition (5/19/08) Quote of the Day: Walter Hinojosa, vice chairman of the Benton County Democratic Central Committee, on Democrats voting in the Republican primary: "If Democrats help good Republicans get elected, we won’t ever have an opportunity to start electing good Democrats.”
All of you Arkansas Republicans take note that the reverse of this quote is true except for the words "good democrat." Using our grandparent's definition, a "good democrat" believes in God, traditional family values, hard work and community. Many local democrat candidates are conflicted and need to be republicans because grandma's definition is no longer used by the Democrat Party. Today, the democrat "progressives" define a "good democrat" as one who is pro-gay rights, pro-expanded social services, pro-more taxes, pro-expanded government, pro-we know better than you what to do with your money, pro-expansion of eminent domain, anti-choice when it comes to school choice, anti-prayer when it comes to government, pro-murderers and pro-child rapists never being executed, pro-illegal aliens, anti-military support, and for anti-God unless god is "mother earth" or the god of some Eastern religion. Examples of "good democrats" are Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, Charlie Rangle, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein."
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A Good Democrat?
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