Breaking News
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Info Post
(Little Rock – May 13, 2008) Secure Arkansas' Chair, Jeannie Burlsworth, is holding a press conference on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. on the Craighead County courthouse lawn in Jonesboro to update Arkansans on the status of Secure Arkansas' Ballot Initiative and the ongoing petition drive. She will be available answer media questions about the initiative and its potential impact on Arkansas, especially the residents of the northeast Arkansas area. (In case of bad weather, the press conference will be held in the courthouse conference room.)

"I feel very confident that we will have more than enough signatures to get this on the ballot," said Burlsworth. The initiative would require the state and local government to verify the lawful presence in the United States of any person 14 years or older who applies for a federal, state, or local public benefit. Benefits that would require proof of legal presence include; applications for welfare, assisted housing, vehicle license plates & registrations, in-state college tuition and scholarships, and business licenses.

Burlsworth explained, "People all across the state have called me, voicing their concern about their tax dollars going to provide benefits for illegal aliens." She went on to say, "Individuals are lining up, not just to sign the petition, but to help gather signatures. The response has been nothing more than amazing!"

Secure Arkansas received notification last Wednesday that their ballot initiative regarding the limitation of public benefits for illegal aliens was certified by the Attorney General. On Friday, May 9, Burlsworth submitted the petition regarding this initiative to the Secretary of State's office in Little Rock. Supporters of the ballot initiative have already began collecting the 61,974 signatures that are required by law to put the initiative on the ballot in November.
Go to the to sign up to volunteer to help with petitions.

Tags: Arkansas, ballot initiatives, government transparency, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, illegal immigration, petitions, public money, Secure Arkansas To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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