Tony Perkins, FRC Action: For all of his stirring speeches, even Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) can't talk himself out of the controversy that's emerged over his position on the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA). The legislation, which protects newborns who survive an abortion from infanticide, became a federal law in 2002. In Illinois, Obama actively opposed an identical piece of legislation as a committee chairman, stating later that he would have endorsed it had the bill contained the same language as the federal version. When it surfaced that he voted against the BAIPA, Obama lied in several interviews, including this one with Chicago Tribune in 2004 in which he told reporters that "had he been in the U.S. Senate two years ago, he would have voted for the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act." This week, the National Right to Life Committee uncovered new documents proving that the Illinois version of the Act was taken verbatim from the congressional bill, which means that the man running for president has been lying about his position on the issue for six years. The deception continues on his website, where a June 30 "fact check" claims that the Illinois and federal bills "did not contain . . . exactly the same language." Is it any surprise that a man who referred to babies as a "punishment" would vote for the killing of innocent children who survive abortions? As David Limbaugh writes in yesterday's column, "Are pro-life Obama supporters so selfishly hooked on a feeling... that they'll back Obama and his party in the most immoral crusade since slavery? It appears so."
See also: David Limbaugh: The 'Making Abortion Rare' Hoax & Jill Stanek: New documents show Obama cover-up on born-alive survivors bill
Tags: abortion, BAIPA, Barack Obama, Born, Election 2008, FRC, infantricide, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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