25 Reasons You May be a Racist [Peter Kirsanow] The tendency of Obama supporters to see racist impulses behind every criticism of their candidate has evolved into absurdity. Now even the first black president feels compelled to declare he's not a racist. By this measure, nearly every American is at risk of being branded a racist at some point in the campaign. To assess whether you're at risk just consult the list below (apologies to Jeff Foxworthy ):
You may be racist . . .
1. If you think Obama's the most liberal member of the senate.
2. If you object to Obama raising your payroll, capital gains and estate taxes.
3. If you'd prefer a president have at least some foreign policy experience.
4. If you're in favor of drilling for oil and building nuclear power plants.
5. If you think "Vero Possemus" is Latin for "Massive Ego."
6. If you wonder why Obama was hanging around William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
7. If your pastor is nothing like Rev. Wright or Father Pfleger.
8. If you don't want the majority of justices on the Supreme Court to be like Stephen Breyer.
9. If you're not impressed with Obama's 100% NARAL rating.
10. If you're not sure whether Obama opposed or supported FISA reauthorization you.
11. If you don't think America is a "downright mean" country you...may be a racist.
12. If you think Obama should've visited wounded troops at Ramstein and Landstuhl.
13. If you think the surge is working and that's a good thing.
14. If you oppose racial preferences in employment, school admissions and contracting.
15. If you think "we are the change we've been waiting for" is a line from a Monty Python skit.
16. If you prefer that a president have a smidgen of executive experience.
17. If you're appalled that Obama voted against treating infants born after an abortion attempt the same medically as other infants born alive.
18. If you were proud of your country even before Obama's candidacy.
20. If you don't think American troops are just "air raiding villages."
21. If your grandmother isn't a "typical white person."
22. If you don't think rural, working class people are bitter and "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."
23. If you're not sure invading Pakistan is a particularly good idea—what with their nuclear weapons and all.
24. If you don't want the president to meet without precondition with the leaders of state sponsors of terror.
25. If you don't care how Hollywood or the European elite think you should vote.
This campaign has, to paraphrase Moynihan, defined racism down.
ARRA Summary: If you think John McCain should be president, you may be a racist!
Tags: Barack Obama, Election 2008, John McCain, McCain supporters, political satire, racist To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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