by Phyllis Schlafly: Smarting from ridicule about the way John Edwards' sexual mischief was covered up or ignored for months, the mainstream media have decided to avoid similar charges that they are protecting Barack Obama. Hence the unprecedented New York Times page-one treatment of Jerome Corsi's latest best-seller, The Obama Nation. Corsi's book, copiously footnoted, assembles thousands of facts to present a newsworthy picture of the personality and character of the presumptive Democratic nominee. After all, that's what Obama's supporters say is of primary importance.
His political strategist, David Axelrod, is known for projecting personality as the principal factor in electing a candidate. Paul Waldman, the Media Matters spokesman chosen by Larry King Live and C-SPAN to rebut Corsi, claims that it's not specifics or issues but character that counts the most. Maybe Axelrod and Waldman are correct that the voters don't demand to be told about their presidential candidate's specific plans for withdrawal from Iraq, or health care, or tax policy. Maybe they don't even care that Obama does not have a single legislative accomplishment from his service in either the U.S. Senate or the Illinois Senate. . . .
David Axelrod and Barack Obama have decided to run a presidential campaign on the cult of personality and character. If that's the battleground of the 2008 race, Jerome Corsi's book provides all the information needed to defeat him. Maybe Hillary Clinton's top strategist and pollster, Mark Penn, had it right when he wrote this in a secret memo on March 19, 2007, recently unearthed by Atlantic magazine. Obama lacks "American roots" and "is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values." [Full Story: Obama: Running on the Cult of Personality]
Tags: Barack Obama, cult, Election 2008, Jerome Corsi, Phyllis Schlafly, Politics To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Obama: Running on the Cult of Personality
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