Breaking News
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Info Post
The video presented herein is by Workforce Fairness identifies that "Rod Blagojevich wanted a payoff, and the SEIU wanted payback." Who was negotiating with Blago for that Senate seat, and what were they after? The answer is the SEIU who was Blagojevich's #1 contributor and spent $80 MILLION getting Obama and Democrats elected. And their #1 legislative priority is card check: depriving workers of their rights to a secret ballot and adding 20 million forced dues-paying members to their ranks.
Did you notice a common word related to a thread of corruption and or control related to this story and to the Big 3 auto industry stalled resolution (verses a bailout)? How about, what group wants to take away a workers right to a secret vote? Who controls billions in pension funds? The common word: unions. We should be seriously concerned about whether organized crime was ever truly removed from the unions. Why did SEIU spent $80 million getting Democrats elected? And how much did the UAW and other unions spend getting democrats elected? Obviously, we should be concerned regardless of the political party of the elected officials being "bought" by the unions. Where or what is the union's payback? It is not patriotism! Why are the unions allowed to take union workers' money to buy congressmen, governors, and other elected officials? Don't tell us they are buying access or that the donations were for the future benefit of union workers. Also, define where unions support free speech and the individual secret voting rights of workers. Why are union funds going to candidates and elected officials who take political actions that are diametrically opposite of the values of the majority of union workers?

Tags: Blogburst, video, Card Check, civil unions, organized crime, Rod Blagojevich, Secret Ballot, SEIU To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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