Winning the technology war with the Democrats mustThe number one priority for the Republican Party is to win the technology war with the Democrats!?? If this is the RNC’s number one priority, it really is a machine. Organizationally, it thinks like a machine. It operates like a machine. No wonder there is no mention of values or principles in the ten point plan for the future.
be the RNC's number one priority in the next four years.”
I am not denying the critical importance of campaign strategies and tactics such as using the internet to build a coalition of supporters. But for the Party leaders to say that the number one priority of the Party is to win the technology war is misguided. Conservatives want to know what this technology will be used for ... another John McCain?
Well, the answer to this question is simple. The machine travels in the direction determined by those who are steering it. Perhaps the NRA slogan comes to your mind as an appropriate analogy: ‘guns do not kill people. People kill people.’
As conservatives, we need to understand that Party machines do not steer themselves. The people who run the machines do. If the leadership of the RNC lack a moral compass for conservative principles, then the RNC ship will steer in any direction it deems necessary to win. Hence, it will be driven by the conservatives’ ideological nemesis of Marxist-Leninism, namely, ‘the end justifies the means.’ No wonder the likes of John McCain is able to be the Party candidate.
A lot of conservatives struggled this past election season with the question: ‘to vote or not to vote.” Some jumped ship. To these I say again, come back and help us steer this thing! If Palin had not been on the Republican ticket, the loss would have been even greater. Without a strong conservative message, the zeal to win was more like an eight cylinder engine with only six plugs firing. And with zeal, there would have been more blogs, more Facebook discussions, and more passionate recruiting for voters.
If the Assemblies are the moral conscience of the Party, then it is up to the moral conscience to kick in and convict the Party mind of where it is headed. We need to endorse and support the conservative candidates for leadership. We need to be making the right choice be known. And we need to let the candidates know what is right.
OK, so the rhetoric has been stated. Now what do we do? The Republican Assembly is the conservative wing of the Republican party. We need members. We need representation in a minimum of our key counties. We need conservatives to take the first and easiest step of all: join the Assembly. We need to build our coalition of conservative supporters. We need to be seen as a base of people worthy to be taken seriously. We need to become more visible. We need numbers. If you do not do anything else, do this one thing. Be a part of the headcount of conservatives that are willing to at least raise their hands and say, please speak for me too. I know people like you are busy, and many feel reluctant to obligate themselves. But a closet conservative is no better than no conservative in the arena of politics and legislation. We need members even if you do not attend a meeting. Just take one step out of the closet, and join the many others who have found that, “this is so simple, even a caveman can do it.” Once you are in, it is easy to find out what else you can do if you are so inclined.
As a conservative, why should you care about the Republican Party and the Republican Assemblies? There are two controlling machines in the American election process. The liberals already control one Party machine. God forbid that we should give them control of the second one too. Please join us and invite a friend to do likewise.
Tags: ARRA President, moral conscience, National Federation of Republican Assemblies, NFRA, Patrick Briney, rebuilding the party, Republican Party, values To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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