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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The below photo and post made today by Covertess points up an issue on which the ARRA News Service has opted not to report on previously because of limited access to verifiable information. It is true that there has been lots of supposition on the Internet. The issue is the questioning of President-elect Barack Obama's birth certificate. But now, this issue may be addressed by the Supreme Court via a case brought by a Democrat. Obviously, one must ask, why not just show us the birth certificate and remove all doubt on being a "native" born citizen. As for the second issue regarding Senator Clinton's appointment to be Secretary of State, there is a constitutional bar to her being appointed appointed to a position on which she voted to increase the salary to that position. However there is historical precedence by which Congress could vote to lower the salary back to the level it was before Clinton is appointed. Clinton would be wise to agree quickly to this resolution to avoid a Constitutional challenge.

"Whatta ya say we just nix the Constitution right off the bat, eh sweetie?"

The Supreme Court plans to decide Friday whether to hear a case that could determine whether President-elect Barack Obama ever becomes the nation's full-fledged president.
The Supreme Court judges' conference today will consider the lawsuit filed by New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio. He contends Mr. Obama is not a "natural born citizen," as the U.S. Constitution requires. -- Washington Times

Hillary Clinton's appointment as US Secretary of State has been challenged as unconstitutional. In fact it conflicts with Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution which states: "No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time." -- Telegraph
See Also: - Suit contesting Barack Obama's citizenship heads to U.S. Supreme Court Friday
- The end of the constitutional republic?
- Obama fomenting a constitutional crisis
- Judicial Watch: Clinton can't serve as Secretary of State
- Is Hillary ineligible for cabinet?
- Obama takes ownership of the Clinton scandals

Tags: appointed position, Barack Obama, birth certificate, Hillary Clinton, US Constitution To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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