Anyone (like Barack Obama) entertaining ideas of western democracies establishing friendly relations with the radicals of the Islamic world ...
Mexican Drug Cartels Present In Three Arkansas Cities
Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor have voted FOR amnesty for illegals. During the election year, Pryor voted AGAINST amnesty. Who knows how he...
We Cannot Borrow and Spend our Way to Prosperity
U.S. Rep. John Boozman, 3rd Dist-AR : Last Sunday was Debt Day for the 2009 fiscal year. Debt day is the Day the government starts paying f...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 30, 2009 - A Former GITMO Terrorist May Soon Be Your Neighbor
The Senate will begin consideration of S. 896, a housing bill, which will also provide more money and borrowing authority to the FDIC. Sena...
Stop Spending Our Future - #LibHippos #statebooks #Heritage #teaparty #teaparty #sgp
Stop Spending Our Future - STOP Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis Stop Spending Our Future - When I Grow Up Stop Spending Our Future: O...
Senate Subcommittee to Consider Amnesty
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Refugees, will hold a heari...
Ronald Reagan Warned Us About Harry Reid [Video]
Our Country PAC - television ad opposing Senator Harry Reid's re-election campaign for 2010. Of all the members of Congress who are up ...
The Specter of a Super Majority
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The following political cartoon serves as our final word on Arlen Specter self-inflicted political suicide. Instea...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 29, 2009
Update: House passes hate-crimes bill, 249-175 Added gender, sexual orientation and disability to the category of hate crimes. Christia...
Waxman's cap-and-tax bill delayed
by John Ruberry, Marathon Pundit : The extreme left of the Democratic Party, emboldened by the election of Barack Obama, has been pushing a ...
Scare Force One
Photo via TexasFred : Why Air Force One was over NYC for a photo-op! - - -> by Gary Bauer : Around 10:00 AM yesterday morning, panic hi...
RINO Leaves GOP - Arlen Specter Goes Democrat
Update: Washington D.C. - National GOP Chairman Michael Steele released the following additional statement this evening: First - Specter ...
Teleprompter Experiences Teleprompter Discomfort
The Teleprompter (Barack Obama) experienced slight discomfort with his closest advisor, his teleprompter. The Teleprompter jumped ahead of h...
Obama Administration: A 9/10 Security Mindset
By Conn Carroll, Morning Bell: Yesterday the citizens of New York and New Jersey who lived through 9/11 were witness to an ominous flashbac...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 28, 2009
Today the Senate began consideration of the nomination of abortion activist Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be Secretary of the Department of Heal...
Obama’s Top Ten Accomplishments - His First 100 Days - Satire
H/T to First Conservative for the following satirical post : As we approach the blessed milestone of President Obama’s first 100 days in off...
Muslim Demographics and Mark Steyn Revisted - #CALH
Muslium Demographics: Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and ...
Nancy Pelosi the Queen of Torture
By Bill Smith / Ozark Guru: Nancy Pelosi knows what torture is because she has been practicing it for years. You might be saying, wait a mi...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 27, 2009
The Senate resumes consideration of a bill to crack down on financial fraud, S. 386. Around 5:30, the Senate will vote on cloture on the bil...
Cap and Trade: A Great Big Tax
Chairman Emeritus of Energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell (D-MI), calls cap and trade as it is: Nobody in this country realizes that ...
Obama Pushing Treaty To Ban Reloading
Gun Owners of America : -- Even BB guns could be on the chopping block -- Remember CANDIDATE Barack Obama? The guy who “wasn’t going to ta...
Social Security Trust Fund
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View : Although politicians talk about the Social Security "trust fund," the reality is that it is ne...
Breaking News: Mexican Flu Outbreak Alert - No Border Security
Received a heads up form ALIPAC which is tracking news and CDC concerning a possible Flu pandemic breaking out in Mexico. At this time, the...
Reagan on Terrorism
Wish we had Reagan back again - I slept comfortable at night! Now, I fear our own government, And consider the present situations in the wor...
Obama to Control Internet
Senate bill would give President Obama authority over all networks. Sens. Jay Rockefeller. D-WV, and Olympia Snowe, R-MN introduced the Cybe...
Harvard Chaplain Approves Death Sentence For Converting From Islam - #CALH
H/T to William Murray,Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition for this heads up on an situation identified earlier this month at Harvard Unive...