Received a heads up form ALIPAC which is tracking news and CDC concerning a possible Flu pandemic breaking out in Mexico. At this time, there is no indication of any additional border security being implemented to protect the lives of US citizens. Checking wire and news sources revealed that the White House is closely following the outbreak in the United States and President Barack Obama has been informed.
Reuters reported that a strain of flu never seen before has killed up to 60 people in Mexico and also appeared in the United States, where eight people were infected but recovered. Mexico's government said at least 20 people have died of the flu and it may also be responsible for 40 other deaths.
Various wire service are reporting that The Geneva-based World Health Organization said tests showed the virus from 12 of the Mexican patients was the same genetically as a new strain of swine flu, designated H1N1, seen in eight people in California and Texas. Howevever, an analysis by the Center for Desease Control showed the disease is a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses. Mexico reported 1,004 suspected cases of the new virus, including four possible cases in Mexicali on the border with California.
World Health Organization said it was in daily contact with U.S., Canadian and Mexican authorities and had activated its command and control center for acute public health events. Most of the dead were aged between 25 and 45, a health official said. It was a worrying sign as seasonal flu can be more deadly among the very young and the very old but a hallmark of pandemics is that they affect healthy young adults.
The CDC said it will issue daily updates here
Tags: border control, Canada, CDC, Center for Disease Control, fluorescent light, Mexico, pandemic, swine flu, United States, World Health organization To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Breaking News: Mexican Flu Outbreak Alert - No Border Security
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