The Senate will begin consideration of S. 896, a housing bill, which will also provide more money and borrowing authority to the FDIC. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) will offer an amendment that would add a provision known as “cramdown” to the measure. Cramdown would allow bankruptcy judges to alter mortgage contracts of people who are in foreclosure. A vote on the amendment is expected at 2:30. It will require 60 votes for approval.
The Senata also will vote on Thomas Strickland to be assistant secretary for Fish and Wildlife, with a vote later in the afternoon.
Also, yesterday, the Senate voted 53-43 to approve the conference report for the $3.5 trillion budget resolution, S. Con. Res. 13. All Republicans and four Democrats voted against the budget.
Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder gave a speech in Berlin about the administration’s plans to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Holder admitted that closing Guantanamo will be ‘one of the most daunting challenges’ he will face. Most Americans realize: closing Guantanamo is not a good option if no safe alternatives exist. Holder did not indicate was what the administration has determined to do with the 240 detainees at Obama's January deadline for closing Guantanamo.
Reporting on the speech, The Washington Post acknowledged that European leaders “have been slow to respond to his pleas for help in emptying the detention center.” The Post also notes, “Holder said the Obama administration has cleared about 30 prisoners for release as soon as U.S. officials can find places to send them.” With the news channels focusing on Chrysler, the flu, and former GOP senators; little is being addressed related to the closing of GITMO. Here are some things worth noting:
· AG Eric Holder speech on Gitmo in Berlin yesterday acknowledged that GITMO is well run and that the decision to close is largely about symbolism (though he then claims that leaving it open makes us less safe).
· In the Q&A session, Holder joked that they might put detainees in hotels.
· On a much more serious matter, Holder would not rule out cooperating with international tribunals investigating US officials over torture allegations from terrorists.
· The Washington Post reported today, “Holder said the Obama administration has cleared about 30 prisoners for release as soon as U.S. officials can find places to send them.” How many of these people will show up in Iraq or Afghanistan, as others released from Gitmo have done?
· At a Senate hearing today, Sec. Gates acknowledged that they may release detainees into the U.S. AG Holder still has not responded to a letter Sen. Sessions sent him “asking him what legal authority the administration has to release detainees who have participated in terrorist-related activities into the United States.”
One can hardly fathom the the new lows we are achieving in America. Soon a former GITMO Terrorist detainee may be your neighbor. Such a country - only in America!
Tags: Eric Holder, GITMO, Housing Bill, terrorist, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Today in Washington D. C. - April 30, 2009 - A Former GITMO Terrorist May Soon Be Your Neighbor
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