Republican Party of Arkansas : Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will headline a fundraiser for the Arkansas Republican Party in Little Rock next...
Arkansas GOP Dumps RNC Website & Launches State of the Art Website
Under the leadership of Chairman Doyle Webb and its Political Director Chase Dugger, the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) has taken critic...
Minorities - We need to show more sympathy for these people. * They travel miles in the heat. * They risk their lives crossing a border. * T...
Stop the Anchor Babies – HR 1868
The United States currently grants automatic U.S. citizenship to almost all children born in the United States, regardless of whether the pa...
Obama's War on Talk Radio
by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann : Obama’s liberal philosophy dictates that when the news is bad, shoot the messenger. The newest data f...
Cap and Trade: It's an Energy Tax
American Solutions : President Obama has said that cap and trade would cause electricity prices to skyrocket. Do you have an extra $1,500 a...
Harold Koh Is Too Dangerous for America
by Phyllis Schlafly : Does Barack Obama really want to make Americans subject to foreign law and courts? That is the question Senators shou...
More of Sonia Sotomayor in the News
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white...
Waxman & Markey Designated May Porkers of the Month #pork
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) and House Energy and th...
Dealergate? Democrats Keep Dealerships
by Gary Bauer : There is a lot of buzz on the blogosphere suggesting that Washington may be on the verge of the biggest political scandal ...
Sonia Sotomayor's Closet
by William Warren, NetRight Nation : Tags: nominee, political cartoon, SCOTUS, Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court, William Warren To share or ...
Marine Aviator's Memorial Day Wave Off
by Mark Alexander, Editor & Publisher, Patriot Post "The consciousness of having discharged that duty which we owe to our country...
AFP Launches Patients United Now & Tour - #AFP
Americans for Prosperity Foundation launched the Patients United Now initiative today, focused on educating the public about the threat of...
North Korea and Obama's Failed Foreign Policy
by John M. Allison III, America's Best Choice : You remember the President's new approach to dealing with our enemies. Let's lis...
Sonia Sotomayor: The 'Empathy' Nominee
NetRight Nation : by Wall Street Journal, 05/27/2009 From the WSJ : In making Sonia Sotomayor his first nominee for the Supreme Court yester...
What About the Constitution, Sonia Sotomayor?
by William Warren, America for Limited Government : Tags: Barack Obama, constitution, Sonia Sotomayor, William Warren To share or post to ...
Justice Sotomayor?
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families : Today, President Obama announced Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor as his nominee to replace ...
Former AG Edwin Meese & Others Call for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Step Down
Americans for Limited Government : Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and ten othe...
Advice to Republican Senators on Sotomayor Nomination
This morning President Barack Obama announced U.S. appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor of New York as his nominee for appointment to the Sup...
In Honor Of Those Who Have Sacrificed
Memorial Day Address at Maumelle Veterans Memorial by Rep. Ed Garner: Freedom is a covenantal estate, ordained by God, wherein a person mus...
Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military - Memorial Day 2009
ARRA News Service: Remembering Our Veterans & Active Duty Military Please set it aside in reverence for all those who have served with...
Military Wives - "The Rock"
Great song for military spouses called "The Rock" by Amy-Jayne McCabe . It is dedicated to women who presently care for and have c...
Memorial Day Tribute, In A Mother's Eyes
Tomorrow we remember our fallen heroes but today remember their families. Our fallen heroes and their families give more than we could fath...
It is About the Warrior - "Till the Last Shot's Fired"
With Memorial Day Weekend upon us, the following video provides a chilling reminder of the price of war but presented in a most patriotic wa...
Cheney You Can Believe In
by William Warren : Tags: Barack Obama, change, detainees, Dick Cheney, Gitmo, political cartoon, William Warren To share or post to your ...
ACORN Should Not Receive Taxpayers' Money
by Phyllis Schlafly : Several prominent non-Republicans and ex-Republicans have been all over the media giving advice to Republicans about...
The Real American Idol Winner!
H/T One Marines View : . . . I know who the real American Idols are, do you? Army Sgt. Levi Bradstream, an infantryman with pulls security ...
Today in Washington D. C. - May 22, 2009
Congress in recess until Monday, June 1st. Yesterday, the Senate voted 86-3 to pass a $91.3 billion supplemental funding bill for operatio...