If any of the triad members are absent, we wind up with a "GOP Lite" party. At the same time, we are seeing conservatives sapped off by third parties. There are libertarian conservatives supporting hard core Libertarian (i.e., we should be able to do anything we want party) candidates who lose. Then there is the well founded "'I love the Constitution" conservative who are mixing it up with the radical "do it our way or we are going to take our State and leave the Union" and supporting losing Constitution Party candidates. And now there is the potential of numerous frustrated conservatives and independents being caught up in new mini-parties promoted by leaders with the "Ross Perot" complex.
In the military, each military member must lay down their political positions and their individual rights for the good of the Country and its citizens. They submit themselves to the greater calling of duty, honor, country. It is disconcerting to observe conservatives being fragmented into groups and not committing together in a greater calling to stop the expansion of socialism. It's time to wake up -- the 2010 elections are is right around the corner. If the conservative movement is divided, the winner will be the donkey riding on every ones back. The GOP needs to be a Big Tent; one large enough for a conservative coalition where members of the coalition have both a "will to win" and are accepting of other conservatives with different concerns and priorities.
by William Warren:
Tags: conservative coalition, conservatives, Democrats, GOP, political cartoon, Republican Party, Republicans, RNC, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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