Mark Williams, Our Country Deserves Better: There's been a lot of press coverage about Barack Obama's speech at Notre Dame and the controversy surrounding the honorary degree bestowed upon Obama despite his pro-abortion stance.Wonder if the American taxpayer paid for this trip for Obama to get his honorary degree and to conduct these fund raisers?
But there was more to the story about Obama's actions of the day. Before he returned to Washington, D.C. Obama headlined two fundraisers that netted more than $500,000 for Democratic congressional candidates who face tough re-election campaigns. Here's the report from the Associated Press: "Before returning to Washington, Obama started in Indianapolis for two fund raisers. About 40 people attended a $15,000 per couple Democratic National Committee event which raised between $300,000 and $400,000. About 650 people attended a second fundraiser for four Indiana Democratic congressmen. That dinner cost $250 - $500 per person."
The message is clear, folks: Obama and the Democrats have already begun the campaign for the upcoming 2010 congressional elections and are determined to defeat you and I, and the conservative candidates we support.
Tags: Barack Obama, pro-abortion. abortion, campaigning, fundraiser, Notre Dame To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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