The Senate resumed consideration of the Reid substitute amendment to H.R. 3590, the vehicle for Democrats’ health care reform bill. There was a vote today on an an amendment from Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH), which would prohibit funding new spending programs out of savings from Medicare and instead direct those funds to making Medicare solvent, and an amendment from Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) that would create a satisfaction survey for the new government-run insurance exchanges under the Democrats’ bill. The Democrats voted the amendment down.
Considering the Greg Amendment to protect medicare for seniors, we now see clearly that under Reid's health care bill, Medicare is not protected and can be raided to fund other health care programs. The Government says this account is going to go broke and now the Democrat Senators vote to allow Grandma's and Grandpa's medicare dollars to be taken for use for people under 65. How do you like this seniors? What's next? Democrats also said their would be no death panels. With increasing numbers of seniors to be soon 65 (baby boomers) and money being taken from medicare for others, do you really believe there are no planned "death panels?"
Yesterday, the Senate also rejected amendments from Sens. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and John Ensign (R-NV). Lincoln's amendment to limit the pay of health insurance company executives failed by a vote of 56-42, Ensign's amendment to limit plaintiff’s attorney fees in medical malpractice lawsuits failed by a vote of 32-66.
Senate majority Leaders Harry Reid spoke from the Senate floor and proceeded to lie and to use false comparisons from the podium. Remember, the Republicans have offered ealth care proposals which the Democrats voted down. Remember the Democrats refused to include Republicans in their closed door sessions on health care. Note that it was Republican Congresses that passed both major Civil Rights legislation. You can listen to Reid's disgraceful performance in the video - ->
President Obama visited Capitol Hill again yesterday to "arm twist"Democrat senators to back Harry Reid’s health care reform bill. But, as Bloomberg reports today, “Seven days of debate that stretched through the weekend have left Senate Democrats no closer to passing legislation" to take over "the U.S. health-care system.”
Indeed, it seems that very little came of the weekend session or Obama’s urging of senators to pass a bill. According to The New York Times, “President Obama exhorted Senate Democrats on Sunday to put aside their differences and seize their moment in history by passing landmark health legislation. But senators said he did not mention sticky issues like abortion or a new government-run insurance plan.” The Times points out, “Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, said Mr. Obama had emphasized ‘the importance of health care reform to our economy.’ But he added, ‘the president did not take any questions and did not get into specifics where there are disputes.’” Obama left shortly after the meeting and did not give any public remarks, nor did he take questions from reporters. The coordinated reaction from Democrats seemed limited to an odd press conference featuring Reid alone.
This is in marked contrast to the meeting Obama held with House Democrats hours before that chamber narrowly passed its version of health care reform. At the time The AP reported, “House Democratic leaders say President Barack Obama . . . inspired their party to pass health care legislation.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others held a press conference right after the visit, and Obama himself said to reporters on his way out, “I urge members of Congress to rise to this moment. Answer the call of history and vote yes for health insurance reform for America.”
But in the Senate yesterday, there was nothing of the sort, indicating that Democrats are in the same position they began the week in, with their caucus divided over funding for abortion in the bill and the creation of a government-run insurance program. It seems the only thing Democrats got out of this week was a series of votes putting them on the record in favor of half a trillion in Medicare cuts, $120 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage, and $42 billion in cuts to home health services.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell explained the position Democrats are in on this health care bill which hasn't changed from from last Monday: “[W]hat we all know is going on here is there is a total disconnect between the inside the Beltway lobbyists who cut their own special deals and the American people, who are speaking loudly, to all of us, in all of the surveys, saying, ‘Please stop this thing.’” Americans want real reform, not Medicare cuts, tax hikes, and premium increases. The Senate needs to scrap this bill and start over, just as it should have done two weeks ago.
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Today in Washington D. C. - Dec 7, 2009 - Reid's Bill: Senors to Lose Medicare Dollars - Wonder if Death Panels are next?
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